We don't really do case reviews anymore, because, well, if we're being honest, they haven't really changed much lately, other than some tempered glass here, and some RGB there. But, that's not the *wait for the voice crack* case with this one. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This... Is the Silverstone Mammoth MM01, a spec- -TACularly heavy black monstrosity monstrosity who's claim to fame is being really difficult to open the box up.
*Insert sarcasm here.* Is being dust-proof, and splash-proof! So, things, are about to get wet. LITERALLY. We're going to spray water on a system in this case, with an extreme edition processor running inside it. But do you know what we're not going to spray water on? Brandon.
Because he deserves better than that, even if he did bung up the audio settings the first time we shot this. DIS SOME DOPE MUSIC! Corsair's Obsidian 500 mid-tower gaming case features premium tempered glass and aluminum construction, removable top fan trays, and more. Check it out in the link down below. This thing actually launched all the way back in 20- -15, completely flying under my radar due to its unprecedented level of niche-ness.
So you could think of the mammoth as kind of like the off road edition of, what would normally be a computer case. Like, designed for use in rough conditions. *Linus struggles to contemplate what he has done with his life* OWUGH! You know, its actually not that crazy big. But it's REALLY heavy.
OH, my gosh. That's pretty real. It is! Its... Kinda got a...
Plain... Sorta look to it... There's no tempered glass. That's pretty nice...
Yeah... It's magnetic! Yeah, yeah. Its magnetic, so it guess that's uh... The exterior is about plain, black box as you can get.
It sports a brushed steel finish, but in the age of tempered glass windows, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a little boring. But if you look a little closer - the entire top of the case is completely steel. Nice... So, no IO, or fan holes whatsoever up here so you can keep water from getting in, presumably.
And check out these. So, this is cool, these front louvers are not an aesthetic feature. Instead, they actually serve to prevent fluids, again, from getting to the internal components. Of the PC, and slipping around to the back, you can see, it has the same louvers here with a notch at the bottom, check that out.
To allow you to get cables to the rear IO. The design of the mammoth gives it an impressive IP43 rating. Meaning it's safe from not just drips, like if you were to spill a cup of water onto the table next to it, but even water sprays. Now I wouldn't recommend pressure washing your computer, and gaming at the same time, but if you left a with the sprinkler running, your computer should be okay.
It's just rest of the room I'd be concerned about. Let's crack it open! Well, yeah. Whoop.. Ooh.
Here, we find the MM01's second party trick. A full, fat 20-millimetre thick HEPA filter. Now, most fan filters are pretty good at mitigating dust buildup over the short term. But a filter like this is specced to remove 99.97% Of particles larger than 0.3 Microns.
That's smaller than all but the smallest bacteria. So I guess you won't have to worry about your PC getting the flu. Obviously compared to a regular filter, this one's gonna be a little more restrictive. Right, but it looks like Silverstone thought of that.
Because they not only have to push air through one just like that, but also the HEPA filter. And the solution? These things. Two MASSIVE. 180-Millimetre air penetrator fans.
At max speed, which you can control with these knobs at the front, these move a whopping 340 CF/M of air - about the same as a typical pedestal fan at medium. Pretty darn impressive. Then, to top it off, there's actually space to install a rear 120-millimetre fan, as well. So, while Jake builds a high-end system for our tests, lets get a little bit of preparation done.
MOAR SOME DOPE MUSIC. Okay, it's done, you wanna see? Yeah, let's have a look! All right! So there are a few things that stand out. A lot of cases these days are basically just the standard layout. With a different with a different bezel on the front.
So first of all, the layout is inverted. So the CPU is on the bottom, and the GPU is on top. Second, our powersupply, actually takes the page out of 2006's book, and is up on the top. But, still with no ventilation.
That's because the top was sealed to keep water from getting in, so the powersupply actually has to suck air from the inside, then blow it out the back. Fortunately, these fans that we showed you guys up at the front should keep it well supplied with fresh air. I'll, uh take a moment to show you this here CPU heatsink support thing there's actually one for the graphics card and the CPU which, if you think about the applications this case on, let's say something like a boat, makes a ton of sense, cause if, uh... This PC's a rockin', you don't want your heatsink goin' knocking about, on the inside.
Because of the design of the filtering system, nearly 40% of the space inside the case is taken up by the filter in the front, and the buffer in the rear, to prevent water from entering the system. It does limit your cooling options, but even with the relatively limited space, the MM01 can still fit four dual-slot graphics cards, and easily houses up to an SSIEEB dual-socket motherboard, if you're willing to limit your storage expansion to two 3-and-a-half inch drives. So this is all good in theory, but we wanna see what kind of thermals we can expect with a high end system, in this case. So you wanna throw that panel on there? And I'll get a stress test running.
It's actually kind of amazing how much air these fans move through that HEPA filter. Yeah I mean, they are at max speed. Rather than leave it at these settings, though, like this is quite loud. Um, I wanna go with not minimum, but quiet enough that it probably wouldn't bother anyone.
That seems pretty good. And we're still getting like quite a bit of airflow back here. Let's give it some time to heat up! Yeah. Okay, so, these are not bad results, actually.
GPU's turboing up to 1780MHz or so at it's 82 degree maximum, and our CPU has only 2 cores above 60 degrees! Not too shabby! Yeah I mean there's an MHD-15 in there, so CPU temperatures are probably expected. Are you ready to run it through the gauntlet? Yeah. Let's do it! Alright, so we're gonna do the gauntlet, Linus is a little busy with, another video, and I am definitely am not doing this test for the second time. No, this is- never done this test before.
Oh, let's - let's turn 'er on, get these fans choochin' so there might be a little bit of dust in there, but, I kinda have an idea of how much was there beforehand. Let's just uh, throw a little dust on there, get 'er nice and- not nice, I guess. I dunno. I really hope I do not have to do this again, because I do not have any dust left.
Alright, so there's, actually quite a bit of dust up there, I'm not really sure how that got in there. Ok, so let's turn it off this time I think for the most part, it's gonna be pretty decent, but I imagine there's going to be some leakage. Alright! So, that is a little more, dust than was in there before, so I don't think that this system is perfect, but it actually held up pretty good. Regular computer dust is not going to be an issue for this thing.
Maybe don't throw sawdust at it or use it at your woodshop. Okay, so let's see how the filter's doing. Oh, no, that's gross. OWAH! *Crying* So, the attacked side is pretty disgusting, but when we flip it over...
It's pretty damn clean. So, it looks like a little bit of dust got in, but I'd imagine its probably just from the cracks around. I don't think dust that big would get through a filter like this. And then on this side...
It's pretty dirty on this side as well. Alright, let's get to the water. Oh, my God... You think we should spray it with a hose, too? I think we should spray it with a hose.
Alright. I should probably turn it on before we spray it with a hose. Is it on? Whoop! *Ahahahaha* I'm like where's - where's the water? I really hope this survives... This is my testbench, actually.
So, it'd be really inconvenient if this died. I'd be kinda upset, tbh. There's a little water in there, but for the most part, it looks like it it's dry. Wow.
Wow. Completely dry inside! Sure, there's a little water around the edges, but inside of the computer, there's no moisture. I think we should probably test this before I. Linus over, y'know, just in case it doesn't work.
DisplayPort, okay. Is this monitor even plugged in? Oh my gosh... Oh yeah, it works, ok, let's - let's get Linus and show him the carnage. Uh...
So, tbh, I already opened it. There is a little bit of dust in there. No water. *No water, really?* No water.
I sprayed this thing down good. Ahhhhhh. Ahh... There's a point of intake here.
Yup! I see that. This side is a little beat up. Yeah, I see that. Wow! But, it caught it.
Yeah! So yeah... There's a little bit of dust on the panel there. And you can see some of the chunks did make it through, but... I mean...
Compared to what you'd see in a normal case... That is really impressive! I think my dust abuse is a little out of the ordinary, as well. Yeah, no, this is obviously a torture test, but you can see, even where the water did manage to penetrate, the design doesn't allow it to go any further than this. Yeah, there's a little splash shield here, too.
Ahhhhh! So, It doesn't have the greatest cooling characteristics out of any case we've ever tried, but it's utterly unique, in its dust, and water resistant design, making it at, what is it, 300 bucks? Basically a no-brainer if you need a dust and water resistant PC case. Freshbooks is the small business accounting software custom-build for how you wanna work. Its a simple way to get more productive, more organized and to get paid faster, allowing you to spend less time fighting with complicated accounting solutions and more time and more time actually working on your business. You can create and send professional looking invoices in less than 30 seconds you can set up you can set up online payments with just a couple clicks to get paid up to 4 day faster and you can see, when your client has seen your invoice to put an end to the guessing games.
For an unrestricted 30-day trial, just go to freshbooks.Com/techtips and enter "Linus Tech Tips' in the "how you heard about us" section. We're gonna have that linked below. So thanks for watching, guys, if you disliked this video, you can hit that button. But if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed, maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured, at the link below.
If you can get your hands on one. These are actually quite difficult to make. Um... And so the production capacity is pretty limited.
While you're down there, you can check out our merch store, which has cool shirts like this one, and our community forum..
Trying a $100 PC from Amazon...
- Hey, guys, this is Austin. I set out with a simple goal, to find the cheapest, brand new computer that I could find on Amazon, and well, this is what I've got. And big shout out LastPass
for sponsoring today's video. This is the Guleek GPC Wintel Mini PC.
As you can see, it's pretty mini. So the main idea here is that for $100, this is going to be a
fully functional computer. It's not going to be bare bones. You don't need to install Windows.
Everything should come all ready to go. Oh, here we go. We've got the technical specifications. The quad-core Intel Atom Z8300, Windows 10, two gigabytes of RAM, and 32 gigs of storage.
For $100. As I was saying, this guy is
about as small as it gets. So what we're getting here is a full fledged desktop computer. You're gonna be getting USB ports, HDMI, really, really rattly plastic, but it actually does come in
this nice, aluminum chassis.
We get a HDMI cable. Wow, that's actually really nice. We also get what looks like
to be the power adapter! So one of the nice things about this guy is that even though it's
included in the box, it just runs off of a
standard five volt micro USB. So in theory, you could
run this off of something like a battery bank or even
like a normal phone charger.
Hardware-wise, there's really not a lot to the Guleek Mini PC. So it does have that aluminum build, but if you come around back,
what you're going to find is a full-size USB 3.0
Port, a USB 2.0 Port, micro USB for power, HDMI out, as well as a headphone jack
and a micro SD card slot. That micro SD card is
going to be important because with only 32 gigs of storage, you're definitely gonna wanna expand that. I will say one thing, it
immediately recognizes that I'm using a 120 hertz monitor, and it's actually using
the full refresh rate.
That's kind of cool. Oh, God, what? Did I crash it? So, one quick monitor swap later, we have a fully-working PC. All those weird issues
actually had nothing to do with the computer, and
once we get in here, I mean, everything seems
to be working fine. One of the big issues
though is that we're running a full Windows 10 PC with
only two gigs of RAM.
So say you wanna do something simple like watch some YouTube. Well, if we come over to the channel and try to load up a
page, you're going to see that things slow down quite a bit. Most of that is because we
only have two gigs of RAM. The Atom processor is not helping.
However, once you actually get it to load if you're a little bit
patient, it does totally work. Oh, also, our video's on trending. That's kinda cool. (Laughing) We might not have speakers,
but you can see 1080p video, especially on YouTube,
does play back just fine.
Now what's cool is is that even though this is going to be a lower end PC, you're actually getting a
GPU that is theoretically capable of pushing a 4K display. Although, that's probably
not the greatest idea. You know, I actually think there's a lot that we can do with this
PC, but before we do that, I wanna give a huge shout out to LastPass for sponsoring this video. It's almost like it's
a perfect sort of fit.
When you get a brand new
PC and you wanna have all your passwords and all
your logins in one place. Funny how that happened. Not like we planned it or anything. I personally have been using LastPass for over five years now at this point.
And what you're getting here is something that's gonna allow you to
get all of your passwords all under one, secure umbrella. So say, for example, that
you use the same password on lots of site, which of course no one would ever do
who watches the channel. Right? What LastPass allows you to do is to create a completely
random generated password for each and every site that you visit. So even if say one site gets hacked, that doesn't mean that someone can get into all of your other logins.
Now what's cool is is that LastPass keeps all this super secure underneath a master password. What's nice about that is there are multiple ways of getting into it. You can add two-factor authentication. It actually is a really
secure way of doing things.
The best part is that you
can get LastPass for free. Now they do have a $2
a month premium plan, which is what I've been on for a while. But regardless, you should
be using a password manager, and I legitimately use
LastPass every single day. If you guys wanna check it out, the link is in the description,
and huge, huge shout out to LastPass for sponsoring this video.
Now sure, having a mini
PC is fine and great. What's the fun if you don't actually take advantage of how small it is? Everyone knows that a
cheap PC is not going to be the most powerful thing in the world, but this is where things get a
little bit more exciting. This is the Gechic On-Lap
1102H portable monitor. Now there are lots of
portable monitors out there, and most of the time,
they're pretty decent.
What makes this a little bit different is it has its own
dedicated battery built in. So with pretty much just
a single HDMI cable, we can get a fully portable setup. See where I'm going with this? So first of all, we have
the actual display itself. So we're looking at an 11.6 Inch...
(Crinkling) (clears throat) We're looking at a 11.6
Inch 1920 by 1080 panel. Plenty bright enough and
especially plenty sharp enough to be able to handle our Guleek Mini PC. So, with our Gechic
monitor up and running, this is our questionably useful setup. So, first of all we have the Guleek PC.
Now connected to that
is our Samsung T3 SSD, which is going to have all
of our Steam games on it. It's being powered by this Mi power bank. We also have the monitor, which normally would be running on its own power, except that it was not charged. So we have it connected
to another battery bank, and with all this, we have
only one spare USB port, and I'm trying to get games set up, so I'm having to hot
swap mouses and keyboards and controllers to try
to get something to work because we really planned
things out solidly.
There are definitely some cool things about this setup though. The Gechic monitor is really nice-looking. So you're getting that
full 1080 resolution, and not only is there going
to be a matte display, but you know, in theory when
you remember to charge it, it is going to be a really
nice portable setup. It even has some things on the backside to be able to hook up
something like a compute stick so you can have a fully
portable little setup, but none of that matters if
I can't play CS:GO in a park.
Because that's the whole
premise for this video. Please, please tell me that this is actually going to let me load it. So we're into the menu, I
cranked all the settings down, and it looks like we're actually loading, and it should work in theory. I've done a lot of testing with CS:GO.
Usually when we have a
really low end system, that's sort of the first game I go to actually see if it will work, and while I've never
done it on an Atom chip, that should, in theory, be able to run. It's gonna be on low settings
and not a great frame rate. Initializing game data. I don't think I've ever seen
CS:GO take five minutes to load but that's fine, who cares
how long it takes to load? Just matters if we can
actually play the game or not.
Oh, no! No! CSGO.Exe has stopped working. Right before the load finished. Ugh, I feel that right here. So what did we learn? We learned that the Guleek
is a pretty decent PC.
As long as you don't ever
try to play a game on it. So I'm curious, what do you guys think about the $100 Guleek Mini PC? I'm sure you will have lots of very insightful comments
about this entire video. So be sure to let me know
in the comments below, and of course, definitely
be sure to go check out LastPass with the link in the description. There guys, thank you
so much for watching.
I'm going to go cry myself to sleep over not being able to
play a game right now..
for sponsoring today's video. This is the Guleek GPC Wintel Mini PC.
As you can see, it's pretty mini. So the main idea here is that for $100, this is going to be a
fully functional computer. It's not going to be bare bones. You don't need to install Windows.
Everything should come all ready to go. Oh, here we go. We've got the technical specifications. The quad-core Intel Atom Z8300, Windows 10, two gigabytes of RAM, and 32 gigs of storage.
For $100. As I was saying, this guy is
about as small as it gets. So what we're getting here is a full fledged desktop computer. You're gonna be getting USB ports, HDMI, really, really rattly plastic, but it actually does come in
this nice, aluminum chassis.
We get a HDMI cable. Wow, that's actually really nice. We also get what looks like
to be the power adapter! So one of the nice things about this guy is that even though it's
included in the box, it just runs off of a
standard five volt micro USB. So in theory, you could
run this off of something like a battery bank or even
like a normal phone charger.
Hardware-wise, there's really not a lot to the Guleek Mini PC. So it does have that aluminum build, but if you come around back,
what you're going to find is a full-size USB 3.0
Port, a USB 2.0 Port, micro USB for power, HDMI out, as well as a headphone jack
and a micro SD card slot. That micro SD card is
going to be important because with only 32 gigs of storage, you're definitely gonna wanna expand that. I will say one thing, it
immediately recognizes that I'm using a 120 hertz monitor, and it's actually using
the full refresh rate.
That's kind of cool. Oh, God, what? Did I crash it? So, one quick monitor swap later, we have a fully-working PC. All those weird issues
actually had nothing to do with the computer, and
once we get in here, I mean, everything seems
to be working fine. One of the big issues
though is that we're running a full Windows 10 PC with
only two gigs of RAM.
So say you wanna do something simple like watch some YouTube. Well, if we come over to the channel and try to load up a
page, you're going to see that things slow down quite a bit. Most of that is because we
only have two gigs of RAM. The Atom processor is not helping.
However, once you actually get it to load if you're a little bit
patient, it does totally work. Oh, also, our video's on trending. That's kinda cool. (Laughing) We might not have speakers,
but you can see 1080p video, especially on YouTube,
does play back just fine.
Now what's cool is is that even though this is going to be a lower end PC, you're actually getting a
GPU that is theoretically capable of pushing a 4K display. Although, that's probably
not the greatest idea. You know, I actually think there's a lot that we can do with this
PC, but before we do that, I wanna give a huge shout out to LastPass for sponsoring this video. It's almost like it's
a perfect sort of fit.
When you get a brand new
PC and you wanna have all your passwords and all
your logins in one place. Funny how that happened. Not like we planned it or anything. I personally have been using LastPass for over five years now at this point.
And what you're getting here is something that's gonna allow you to
get all of your passwords all under one, secure umbrella. So say, for example, that
you use the same password on lots of site, which of course no one would ever do
who watches the channel. Right? What LastPass allows you to do is to create a completely
random generated password for each and every site that you visit. So even if say one site gets hacked, that doesn't mean that someone can get into all of your other logins.
Now what's cool is is that LastPass keeps all this super secure underneath a master password. What's nice about that is there are multiple ways of getting into it. You can add two-factor authentication. It actually is a really
secure way of doing things.
The best part is that you
can get LastPass for free. Now they do have a $2
a month premium plan, which is what I've been on for a while. But regardless, you should
be using a password manager, and I legitimately use
LastPass every single day. If you guys wanna check it out, the link is in the description,
and huge, huge shout out to LastPass for sponsoring this video.
Now sure, having a mini
PC is fine and great. What's the fun if you don't actually take advantage of how small it is? Everyone knows that a
cheap PC is not going to be the most powerful thing in the world, but this is where things get a
little bit more exciting. This is the Gechic On-Lap
1102H portable monitor. Now there are lots of
portable monitors out there, and most of the time,
they're pretty decent.
What makes this a little bit different is it has its own
dedicated battery built in. So with pretty much just
a single HDMI cable, we can get a fully portable setup. See where I'm going with this? So first of all, we have
the actual display itself. So we're looking at an 11.6 Inch...
(Crinkling) (clears throat) We're looking at a 11.6
Inch 1920 by 1080 panel. Plenty bright enough and
especially plenty sharp enough to be able to handle our Guleek Mini PC. So, with our Gechic
monitor up and running, this is our questionably useful setup. So, first of all we have the Guleek PC.
Now connected to that
is our Samsung T3 SSD, which is going to have all
of our Steam games on it. It's being powered by this Mi power bank. We also have the monitor, which normally would be running on its own power, except that it was not charged. So we have it connected
to another battery bank, and with all this, we have
only one spare USB port, and I'm trying to get games set up, so I'm having to hot
swap mouses and keyboards and controllers to try
to get something to work because we really planned
things out solidly.
There are definitely some cool things about this setup though. The Gechic monitor is really nice-looking. So you're getting that
full 1080 resolution, and not only is there going
to be a matte display, but you know, in theory when
you remember to charge it, it is going to be a really
nice portable setup. It even has some things on the backside to be able to hook up
something like a compute stick so you can have a fully
portable little setup, but none of that matters if
I can't play CS:GO in a park.
Because that's the whole
premise for this video. Please, please tell me that this is actually going to let me load it. So we're into the menu, I
cranked all the settings down, and it looks like we're actually loading, and it should work in theory. I've done a lot of testing with CS:GO.
Usually when we have a
really low end system, that's sort of the first game I go to actually see if it will work, and while I've never
done it on an Atom chip, that should, in theory, be able to run. It's gonna be on low settings
and not a great frame rate. Initializing game data. I don't think I've ever seen
CS:GO take five minutes to load but that's fine, who cares
how long it takes to load? Just matters if we can
actually play the game or not.
Oh, no! No! CSGO.Exe has stopped working. Right before the load finished. Ugh, I feel that right here. So what did we learn? We learned that the Guleek
is a pretty decent PC.
As long as you don't ever
try to play a game on it. So I'm curious, what do you guys think about the $100 Guleek Mini PC? I'm sure you will have lots of very insightful comments
about this entire video. So be sure to let me know
in the comments below, and of course, definitely
be sure to go check out LastPass with the link in the description. There guys, thank you
so much for watching.
I'm going to go cry myself to sleep over not being able to
play a game right now..
Top 25 Best Single Player PC Games of 2015 - 2018
25. Opening our list of Top 25 Singleplayer Games
is SteamWorld Dig 2 The latest in Image & Form's metroidvania
series, dig into a brand new set of puzzles in this sequel to Rusty's adventures. Keeping up with their steam-powered theme,
take on the role of Dorothy and Fen as they venture through craggly rocks in search of
their old friend. Solve puzzles, complete objectives, and explore
each corner of the ancient underground.
A short but improved version of the original,
it has a PlayScore of 8.85. 24. Dark Souls III. The game that created a whole new genre of
brutal combat that tests the good and bad players.
Enter a nightmarish world filled with mastercrafted
monster designs straight from the mind of Hidetaka Miyakami. Unfortunately for players, this serves as
the final Dark Souls game, and it deserved its long awaited retirement. Its faster, beautiful, and still patience-testing. It has a PlayScore of 8.85 23.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Celebrating Lara Croft's over 20 year history,
Rise of the Tomb Raider shows us exactly how far technology has come through the years. From her trademark blocky bosom, her spelunking
adventure is at it's most immersive. Navigate through undiscovered caverns and
decipher the environmental riddles that come before her. Bring out the guns, and test her acrobatic
skills in a quest to take down a dangerous organization.
It has a PlayScore of 8.86. 22. Subnautica Despite humanity's thousand year presence,
we've still yet to discover the mysteries of our ocean's deep abyss. And that's exactly the kind of unknown world
you'll discover in this nautical open world survival game.
Build and manage your own sea habitat, collect
food and resources, and discover the mysteries of watery void. With thousands of creatures roaming about
the increasingly dark caverns, you'll have to be at your most alert to survive the aquatic
wildlife. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 21.
A Hat in Time Move over, Super Mario Odyssey. Looks like youve found a PC counterpart. This cute 3D platformer takes you to the adorable
shoes of a space traveling girl who stitches hats. Go on a fun-filled quests to locate Time Pieces.
Every mission is unique and its interesting
to say the least. Throughout the game, youre exploring a
myriad of locations and uncovering many secrets. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 20.
Into the Breach From the creators of the successful space-based
roguelike, Faster Than Light. Subset Games ventures into tactical role-playing
with Into the Breach. Go on Humanity's side and aid them in the
coming war against the giants. Don their powerful mechs and defend the cities
in strategic turn-based battles.
With their procedurally generated challenges,
you'll explore new ways to save the world from one timeline to the next. It has a PlayScore of 8.88. 19. Bayonetta A hack and slash masterpiece that took its
time in the journey to the PC.
Opening into worldwide acclaim, Bayonetta
looks just as good as it did on its original release. Slip into the heels of the seductive witch
and whip your hair against the city's poor angels. Given the masterful strokes of Platinum Games,
indulge in their award winning hack and slash action in gorgeous 4k resolutions. It has a PlayScore of 8.89.
18. INSIDE. PlayDead shows off their flair for dystopia
in their second sidescrolling adventure. A follow up to their highly successful LIMBO,
PlayDead switches up the haunting monochrome with a slight splash of color.
But, it's still rich with their eerie atmosphere
as you move against the fold in an otherwise restrictive world. Awarded for its visual artistry and excellent
game design, INSIDE is a compelling case of videogame as art. It has a PlayScore of 8.89. 17.
Opus Magnum An independent game studio known for their
remarkable engineering puzzlers, Zachtronics pulls out all the stops to bring us the programming
simulation we never thought we needed. Scoring an impressive 10/10 on Steam, it's
their most accesible title yet. Master the art of transmutation as you design,
build, and carry alchemical solutions to answer their myriad quests. Topped with a rich storyline filled with volatile
dangers, it has a PlayScore of 8.9.
16. Gorogoa Another outstanding puzzle game for the books,
this time from the folks at Annapurna Interactive. Elegant is one word to describe it, with each
stage rendered in Jason Robert's hypnotic artystle. As much a visual treat as a jungle gym for
the brain, use your imaginzation to arrange their illustrated patterns into the correct
Squeeze out your creative juices and decode
the story behind each lavish panel. It has a PlayScore of 8.91. 15. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Marking the end of the Kojima and Konami collaboration,
The Phantom Pain is a fitting sendoff to the long-running stealth action adventure.
Taking on the role of Venom Snake for the
last time, his habitat of political intrigue expands into open world deserts of Africa
and Afghanistan. Satisfy your taste for espionage as you rebuild
your motherbase and save the world. It has a PlayScore of 8.93. 14.
Pony Island Here to change your perspectives on the majestic
nature of ponies is Daniel Mullins strange indie puzzler. Pony Island revels in the realm metafiction. While that usually leads to some funny, breaking
the fourth wall-type interactions, this game takes the road less traveled--dealing a few
bursts of psychological horror with a side of ardent curiosity. Are you the player, or are you being played? It has a PlayScore of 8.94.
13. Hollow Knight One of 2017's breakout indie games, Team Cherry's
metroidvania has won the hearts of gamers and critics alike. With it, came a flurry of comparisons. Not the least of which is the hackneyed "Dark-Souls-of-insert-genre-here." Despite that, Hollow Knight is not only original,
it's also really good.
For anyone looking for a challenge, his cursed,
bug-filled depths is a punishingly enjoyable treat. It has a PlayScore of 8.95. 12. Downwell A Devolver Digital game.
This classic-style platformer takes you on
a dark descent into a mysterious well. Equipped with powerful Gun Boots, use your
trusty weapons to vaporize enemies and collect treasures along the way. Its procedurally generated worlds provides
new surprises with every fall, giving you hours of quality entertainment for a bargain. A descent into addictive pixel madness, it
has a PlayScore of 8.95.
11. Kerbal Space Program Come along with Squad's loyal crew of humanoid
Kerbal's and help them launch rockets into the not-so distant skies. It's not exactly eye candy but its visuals
perfectly complement the game's tongue-in-cheek nature. While it doesn't take itself too seriously,
it offers accuracy in all the right parts, from Newtonian Dynamics to conic approximations.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to
enjoy it, but it surely helps. It has a PlayScore of 8.95. 10. West of Loathing Pack up your saddlebags and ride on towards
the black and white deserts of Asymmetric's RPG Adventure.
No matter what you do, you won't be prepared
for hysterical antics of this Western comedy. While it looks straight out of a college animation
class, it seamlessly delivers a sprawling open world full of danger, quests and snake-infested
plains. Partake in silly, turn-based shootouts, and
laugh your ass off at their non-stop gags. It has a PlayScore of 8.97.
9. Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games' stylish roguelike rhythm
game is out to win your heart. That is, if you can move to the Necrodancer's
beat. Holding your life in his hands, groove to
the tunes of Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack and deliver musical beatdowns along the way.
Go deeper into the rhythmic caverns and prepare
to slay bigger monsters wit each procedurally generated level. Just the right balance quirk and quality,
it has a PlayScore of 9.03. 8. What Remains of Edith Finch Another puzzle game from Annapurna Interactive.
Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, it's a different
level of immersion in this adventure fuelled by haunting mystery. See through the eyes of Edith Finch as she
goes to investigate the death of her family. More an exploration game than horror, it has
been widely praised for its story, presentation, and gameplay. Learn each corner of the Finch estate, and
uncover her traumatizing history.
It has a PlayScore of 9.04. 7. Cuphead Studio MDHR breaks through the videogame industry
with this ambitious indie run and gun. After hurdling a tidal wave of obstacles,
they've managed to create a viral sensation, both for its imaginative visuals and controversial
Inspired by the devilishly haunting and whimsical
cartoons of the 1930s, it's a game that's been hand-drawn and handcrafted to perfection. A lovingly frustrating visual treat, it has
a PlayScore of 9.08. 6. Day of the Tentacle Remastered Day of the Tentacle is perhaps one of the
best known in LucasArts series of outrageously funny adventures.
Crafted in the same fashion as the groundbreaking
Maniac Mansion, it follows in the path of uproarious point-and-click shenanigans. Follow their oddball characters through their
physics-deying misadventures with their faulty time-machine. A cult classic since its 1993 release, the
charm of the original is lovingly retained in this remastered form. It has a PlayScore of 9.11 5.
Celeste From the mind that brought us the deceptively
addicting TowerFall Ascension, Matt Thorston follows up his success with another pixel-driven
platformer. Putting the responsive controls of his last
game to good use, Celeste puts us in the shoes of Madeleine as she braves perilous cliffs
in search of her true self. Cute, but definitely no cakewalk. It's a step in the right direction for the
future of platformers.
It has a PlayScore of 9.13 4. Stardew Valley As anyone who grew up on Harvest Moon knows,
there's nothing that can come between a person and their farm. Continuing on the tradition of pixel art farming
simulations, Stardew Valley perfectly captures the tranquility of the classics. Put on your favorite overalls and dip your
toes in the refreshing farmlife.
Plant crops, take care of animals, meet the
neighbors, and find the love of your life. It has a PlayScore of 9.18. 3. Ori and the Blind Forest Explore a magical, decaying forest and follow
a tree spirit named Ori as he fights the very evils that haunt the land.
In a gripping and emotional opening story,
watch the essence of humanity crumble in the face of darkness. This adventure rekindles the dying flame of
metroidvania games and its packed with visual splendor that sparkles from start to
finish. It has a PlayScore of 9.19. 2.
Undertale Toby Fox's imaginative world has maintained
its standing among videogame's best. Despite the criticisms against its "simplistic"
graphics, Undertale has an important message to send, it remains as relevant and fun as
ever. It's an RPG game where violence doesn't have
to be the answer. Navigate through the minefield that is their
monster encounters and complete quests in the name of diplomacy.
With an utterly loveable cast and a fantastic
soundtrack, it receives a PlayScore of 9.2. 1. And the best Single Player PC Game is The
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reigning supreme in our PC lists since its
release, CD Projekt Red's last Witcher title was everything we wanted and more. An open world action adventure that perfectly
executes immersive environments and flawless storytelling, there's a lot to love about
the final chapters of Geralt's quests.
Save Ciri from the dreaded Wild Hunt, and
fall in love with each element in their magical universe. It has a PlayScore of 9.31..
is SteamWorld Dig 2 The latest in Image & Form's metroidvania
series, dig into a brand new set of puzzles in this sequel to Rusty's adventures. Keeping up with their steam-powered theme,
take on the role of Dorothy and Fen as they venture through craggly rocks in search of
their old friend. Solve puzzles, complete objectives, and explore
each corner of the ancient underground.
A short but improved version of the original,
it has a PlayScore of 8.85. 24. Dark Souls III. The game that created a whole new genre of
brutal combat that tests the good and bad players.
Enter a nightmarish world filled with mastercrafted
monster designs straight from the mind of Hidetaka Miyakami. Unfortunately for players, this serves as
the final Dark Souls game, and it deserved its long awaited retirement. Its faster, beautiful, and still patience-testing. It has a PlayScore of 8.85 23.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Celebrating Lara Croft's over 20 year history,
Rise of the Tomb Raider shows us exactly how far technology has come through the years. From her trademark blocky bosom, her spelunking
adventure is at it's most immersive. Navigate through undiscovered caverns and
decipher the environmental riddles that come before her. Bring out the guns, and test her acrobatic
skills in a quest to take down a dangerous organization.
It has a PlayScore of 8.86. 22. Subnautica Despite humanity's thousand year presence,
we've still yet to discover the mysteries of our ocean's deep abyss. And that's exactly the kind of unknown world
you'll discover in this nautical open world survival game.
Build and manage your own sea habitat, collect
food and resources, and discover the mysteries of watery void. With thousands of creatures roaming about
the increasingly dark caverns, you'll have to be at your most alert to survive the aquatic
wildlife. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 21.
A Hat in Time Move over, Super Mario Odyssey. Looks like youve found a PC counterpart. This cute 3D platformer takes you to the adorable
shoes of a space traveling girl who stitches hats. Go on a fun-filled quests to locate Time Pieces.
Every mission is unique and its interesting
to say the least. Throughout the game, youre exploring a
myriad of locations and uncovering many secrets. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 20.
Into the Breach From the creators of the successful space-based
roguelike, Faster Than Light. Subset Games ventures into tactical role-playing
with Into the Breach. Go on Humanity's side and aid them in the
coming war against the giants. Don their powerful mechs and defend the cities
in strategic turn-based battles.
With their procedurally generated challenges,
you'll explore new ways to save the world from one timeline to the next. It has a PlayScore of 8.88. 19. Bayonetta A hack and slash masterpiece that took its
time in the journey to the PC.
Opening into worldwide acclaim, Bayonetta
looks just as good as it did on its original release. Slip into the heels of the seductive witch
and whip your hair against the city's poor angels. Given the masterful strokes of Platinum Games,
indulge in their award winning hack and slash action in gorgeous 4k resolutions. It has a PlayScore of 8.89.
18. INSIDE. PlayDead shows off their flair for dystopia
in their second sidescrolling adventure. A follow up to their highly successful LIMBO,
PlayDead switches up the haunting monochrome with a slight splash of color.
But, it's still rich with their eerie atmosphere
as you move against the fold in an otherwise restrictive world. Awarded for its visual artistry and excellent
game design, INSIDE is a compelling case of videogame as art. It has a PlayScore of 8.89. 17.
Opus Magnum An independent game studio known for their
remarkable engineering puzzlers, Zachtronics pulls out all the stops to bring us the programming
simulation we never thought we needed. Scoring an impressive 10/10 on Steam, it's
their most accesible title yet. Master the art of transmutation as you design,
build, and carry alchemical solutions to answer their myriad quests. Topped with a rich storyline filled with volatile
dangers, it has a PlayScore of 8.9.
16. Gorogoa Another outstanding puzzle game for the books,
this time from the folks at Annapurna Interactive. Elegant is one word to describe it, with each
stage rendered in Jason Robert's hypnotic artystle. As much a visual treat as a jungle gym for
the brain, use your imaginzation to arrange their illustrated patterns into the correct
Squeeze out your creative juices and decode
the story behind each lavish panel. It has a PlayScore of 8.91. 15. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Marking the end of the Kojima and Konami collaboration,
The Phantom Pain is a fitting sendoff to the long-running stealth action adventure.
Taking on the role of Venom Snake for the
last time, his habitat of political intrigue expands into open world deserts of Africa
and Afghanistan. Satisfy your taste for espionage as you rebuild
your motherbase and save the world. It has a PlayScore of 8.93. 14.
Pony Island Here to change your perspectives on the majestic
nature of ponies is Daniel Mullins strange indie puzzler. Pony Island revels in the realm metafiction. While that usually leads to some funny, breaking
the fourth wall-type interactions, this game takes the road less traveled--dealing a few
bursts of psychological horror with a side of ardent curiosity. Are you the player, or are you being played? It has a PlayScore of 8.94.
13. Hollow Knight One of 2017's breakout indie games, Team Cherry's
metroidvania has won the hearts of gamers and critics alike. With it, came a flurry of comparisons. Not the least of which is the hackneyed "Dark-Souls-of-insert-genre-here." Despite that, Hollow Knight is not only original,
it's also really good.
For anyone looking for a challenge, his cursed,
bug-filled depths is a punishingly enjoyable treat. It has a PlayScore of 8.95. 12. Downwell A Devolver Digital game.
This classic-style platformer takes you on
a dark descent into a mysterious well. Equipped with powerful Gun Boots, use your
trusty weapons to vaporize enemies and collect treasures along the way. Its procedurally generated worlds provides
new surprises with every fall, giving you hours of quality entertainment for a bargain. A descent into addictive pixel madness, it
has a PlayScore of 8.95.
11. Kerbal Space Program Come along with Squad's loyal crew of humanoid
Kerbal's and help them launch rockets into the not-so distant skies. It's not exactly eye candy but its visuals
perfectly complement the game's tongue-in-cheek nature. While it doesn't take itself too seriously,
it offers accuracy in all the right parts, from Newtonian Dynamics to conic approximations.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to
enjoy it, but it surely helps. It has a PlayScore of 8.95. 10. West of Loathing Pack up your saddlebags and ride on towards
the black and white deserts of Asymmetric's RPG Adventure.
No matter what you do, you won't be prepared
for hysterical antics of this Western comedy. While it looks straight out of a college animation
class, it seamlessly delivers a sprawling open world full of danger, quests and snake-infested
plains. Partake in silly, turn-based shootouts, and
laugh your ass off at their non-stop gags. It has a PlayScore of 8.97.
9. Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games' stylish roguelike rhythm
game is out to win your heart. That is, if you can move to the Necrodancer's
beat. Holding your life in his hands, groove to
the tunes of Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack and deliver musical beatdowns along the way.
Go deeper into the rhythmic caverns and prepare
to slay bigger monsters wit each procedurally generated level. Just the right balance quirk and quality,
it has a PlayScore of 9.03. 8. What Remains of Edith Finch Another puzzle game from Annapurna Interactive.
Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, it's a different
level of immersion in this adventure fuelled by haunting mystery. See through the eyes of Edith Finch as she
goes to investigate the death of her family. More an exploration game than horror, it has
been widely praised for its story, presentation, and gameplay. Learn each corner of the Finch estate, and
uncover her traumatizing history.
It has a PlayScore of 9.04. 7. Cuphead Studio MDHR breaks through the videogame industry
with this ambitious indie run and gun. After hurdling a tidal wave of obstacles,
they've managed to create a viral sensation, both for its imaginative visuals and controversial
Inspired by the devilishly haunting and whimsical
cartoons of the 1930s, it's a game that's been hand-drawn and handcrafted to perfection. A lovingly frustrating visual treat, it has
a PlayScore of 9.08. 6. Day of the Tentacle Remastered Day of the Tentacle is perhaps one of the
best known in LucasArts series of outrageously funny adventures.
Crafted in the same fashion as the groundbreaking
Maniac Mansion, it follows in the path of uproarious point-and-click shenanigans. Follow their oddball characters through their
physics-deying misadventures with their faulty time-machine. A cult classic since its 1993 release, the
charm of the original is lovingly retained in this remastered form. It has a PlayScore of 9.11 5.
Celeste From the mind that brought us the deceptively
addicting TowerFall Ascension, Matt Thorston follows up his success with another pixel-driven
platformer. Putting the responsive controls of his last
game to good use, Celeste puts us in the shoes of Madeleine as she braves perilous cliffs
in search of her true self. Cute, but definitely no cakewalk. It's a step in the right direction for the
future of platformers.
It has a PlayScore of 9.13 4. Stardew Valley As anyone who grew up on Harvest Moon knows,
there's nothing that can come between a person and their farm. Continuing on the tradition of pixel art farming
simulations, Stardew Valley perfectly captures the tranquility of the classics. Put on your favorite overalls and dip your
toes in the refreshing farmlife.
Plant crops, take care of animals, meet the
neighbors, and find the love of your life. It has a PlayScore of 9.18. 3. Ori and the Blind Forest Explore a magical, decaying forest and follow
a tree spirit named Ori as he fights the very evils that haunt the land.
In a gripping and emotional opening story,
watch the essence of humanity crumble in the face of darkness. This adventure rekindles the dying flame of
metroidvania games and its packed with visual splendor that sparkles from start to
finish. It has a PlayScore of 9.19. 2.
Undertale Toby Fox's imaginative world has maintained
its standing among videogame's best. Despite the criticisms against its "simplistic"
graphics, Undertale has an important message to send, it remains as relevant and fun as
ever. It's an RPG game where violence doesn't have
to be the answer. Navigate through the minefield that is their
monster encounters and complete quests in the name of diplomacy.
With an utterly loveable cast and a fantastic
soundtrack, it receives a PlayScore of 9.2. 1. And the best Single Player PC Game is The
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reigning supreme in our PC lists since its
release, CD Projekt Red's last Witcher title was everything we wanted and more. An open world action adventure that perfectly
executes immersive environments and flawless storytelling, there's a lot to love about
the final chapters of Geralt's quests.
Save Ciri from the dreaded Wild Hunt, and
fall in love with each element in their magical universe. It has a PlayScore of 9.31..
Top 25 Best PC Open World Games of the Last 10 Years
25. Opening our list of the Top 25 PC Open World
Games is Red Faction: Guerrilla Released in 2009, Volition's third person
shooter was dubbed by critics as an open world with a purpose, being one of the few in the
series to actually deliver on its promises. Set in a dystopic year 2125, take on the role
of Alec Mason as he allies with the Red Faction to defeat an oppressive organization on the
planet. An open world game that revolves in primal
destruction set in the Martian planes, it has a PlayScore of 8.44.
24. Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box An amazing reinvention in the Burnout series
that anchored on the experience of discovery and exploration. Paradise was an early open world haven for
the racing enthusiasts. It incorporated their beloved features into
its endless environments.
Get into the showtime spirit wherever and
whenever, and make the biggest splash in the world of racing. It has a PlayScore of 8.46. 23. Grow Home Popping in for a dose of whimsy and color
is Ubisoft's adorable adventure platformer.
In it, you accompany a friendly robot named
BUD who's given the colossal task of oxygenating his homeworld using the various plants at
his disposal. Push, climb, and plant your way through its
procedurally animated word, and bask in the wonders of discovery. It has a PlayScore of 8.47. 22.
Just Cause 2 An underrated gem in the open world category,
this second installment of the Avalance action adventure is a pure haven for complete and
utter destruction. Known for its explosive randomness, tinker
around its highly volatile and highly interactive environment and bask in the primal delight
of watching things go boom. Wreak havoc in the workd of Panau and become
the master of your own digital playground. It has a PlayScore 8.54.
21. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat The third title in GSC Gameworld's radioactive
FPS series, Call of Pripyat takes us back to the post apocalyptic wastelands of Ukraine--particularly
in the divided city of Pripyat. Play as the stalker Alex as he investigates
the mysterious helicopter disappearances in the Zone. Cited as one of the most compelling of the
entire series, discover the secrets of the Zone for yourself with three major areas to
It has a PlayScore of 8.56. 20. Sleeping Dogs Get a taste of Hong Kong's criminal underbelly
in this 2012 action adventure from United Front Games. Thought to be just another GTA clone, Sleeping
Dogs exceeded all expectations.
Play out a soulful tale of the life in crime
as you step in the shoes of undercover cop on a mission to take down the Triads. A colorful and action-packed tour of Hong
Kong, it has a PlayScore of 8.57. 19. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Before the Assassin's Creed had their reputation
for recycled ideas, it had one of the most remarkable open world experiences of the time.
A mix of stealth, adventure, and sandbox style
game play, live out the eventful Assassin along with the new favourite Ezio. Ride horseback around iconic Italian landmarks,
and put yourself in the pages of history. Dated as it may look compared to today's games,
it still remains one of the best titles of the series. It has a PlayScore of 8.59.
18. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Another albeit dated masterpiece. Rockstar brings you back home to your old
homies in Grove street. A follow-up to their highly successful Vice
City, San Andreas opened players to brand new gameplay horizons.
Whether it was new cars, the gym, or strip
club visits--it had it all, effectively cementing GTA in the open world halls of fame. A mesmerizing depiction of life in the 'hood,
it has a PlayScore of 8.62. 17. Grim Dawn Limited budget notwithstanding, Crate Entertainment
delivered the goods with this long tribute to old school hack-and-slash.
Integrating old and new, it ramps it up with
rewarding loot and complex character development. Make use of its dual class system that lets
you combine its six classes with a score of different skills and modifiers. Hitting all the marks with its open world
design and hybrid class system, it has a PlayScore of 8.63. 16.
Mount & Blade: Warband Mount your steed and gallop through the mushes
in this classic action RPG form TaleWorlds Entertainment. A standalone expansion pack, it expands on
their base game by letting you create new factions, choose new political options, and
play with friends in Multiplayer. Dive into the battlefields and immerse yourself
in the exhilarating thrills of the battlefield. It has a PlayScore of 8.65.
15. Far Cry 3 Freedom was at the forefront of Far Cry 3,
and definitely made a mark. Not only for the impressive performance of
their well-written villain, Vaas Montenegro, but also for the sheer thrills of Jason Brody's
tropical paradise. Rescue your friends from the psychopathic
ring leader, drive around the verdant fields, and discover each of their multiple endings.
It has a PlayScore of 8.65. 14. Saints Row IV. A game that might as well be a superhero simulation.
The fourth installment of the over top action
adventure goes Presidential with the Boss unexpected from Street Gang leader to Commander
in Chief. Take your rightful place in the White House,
and go on a killing spree with his newfound superhuman abilities. Withh superspepd races and and the series'
trademark hilarity, it's Saints Row sandbox at its finest. It has a PlayScore of 8.69.
13. Don't Starve Venture into worlds unknown in this german-expressionism
inspired game of gigantic proportions. Fall into eerie wormholes and transport yourself
to a strange of anthropomorphized, steampunk horses, and flaming flies. The goal simply is to survive.
Make it through the night using the limited
resources around you, and increase your chances by determining friends from foes. Not exactly your usual open world adventure,
it has a PlayScore of 8.7. 12. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor The beginning of Monolith Productions success.
Shadow of Mordor boasts a fast-paced hack
and slash combat and a revolutionary Nemesis System. Follow a Gondorian Ranger, Talion, as he exacts
his vengeance on Sauron for murdering his family. Team up with the Ringmaker, Celebrimbor, in
a quest of power and Orc slaughtering glory. It has a PlayScore of 8.78.
11. Forza Horizon 3 Only the third title in their recent racing
series, Horizon has no shortage of promise. Combining two highly marketable genres into
one, it becomes a pure open world haven for racing enthusiasts every. Here's a bigger world to discover as you set
foot in the vast Australian landscapes that's twice larger than their previous hubs.
Prepare to dive into its liberating environments,
and discover the sights and secrets of the lush location. It has a PlayScore of 8.8. 10. Fallout: New Vegas Perhaps one of the most hotly debated franchises.
It looks like New Vegas won this showdown. An open world RPG that's bursting at the seams
with tongue-in-cheek dialog boxes and overall wittiness, it's hard to forget a gem that's
just oozes with charm. Venture forth through the post apocalyptic
wasteland, shoot down radioactive rats in slow motion, and make memories with their
interesting cast of characters. It has a PlayScore of 8.81.
9. Minecraft Infamous for its swath of youtube streamers
and quirky fanbase, Mojang's sandbox game has dug out of its niche box and into our
collective consciousness. Whichever kind of fan you are, there's something
for you to love. Make your mark on the Neptune-sized canvas,
or excercise your craftiness amid its dangerous wilderness.
Perfect for artists and wannabe cuboid cavemen,
it has a PlayScore of 8.86. 8. Subnautica Despite humanity's thousand year presence,
we've still yet to discover the mysteries of our ocean's deep abyss. And that's exactly the kind of unknown world
you'll discover in this nautical open world survival game.
Take a dip into the majestic underseas and
freedive your way through the scenic locales. Build, collect, and discover the mysteries
of the water void. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 7.
Terraria A game where the only thing that limits your
creativity is your imagination. Terraria is a sandbox-style game that takes
possibilities to a whole new corner. Its core fun lies within the freedom of the
players to seamlessly switch between exploration, combat and construction. It has sold more than 18 million copies due
to the games depth.
What everyone thought was just another Minecraft
clone turned out to be an experience of its own. It has a PlayScore of 8.87 6. A Hat in Time A platform action adventure game that's not
unlike Nintendo's Super Mario Odyssey in terms of style and creativity. Rekindle that childish sense of wonder as
you help a young girl return to her home world.
Roam around its enchanting world, and use
your imagination to solve the various puzzles. It has a PlayScore of 8.87 5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Witness the birth of the man who sold the
world and uncover the events that leads to the first game of the series. Hideo Kojimas final entry to the universally
acclaimed Metal Gear Solid series is a masterpiece of stealth-action-adventure.
Watch how Venom Snake deals with the events
after the Peace Walker. Become embroiled in another tale of political
intrigue as you roam about the deserts of Africa and Afghanistan. It has a PlayScore of 8.93 4. Batman: Arkham City After the groundbreaking success of the Asylum,
Rocksteadys sequel takes your favorite caped crusader to an open-world adventure
in the heart of Gotham City.
With its enhanced gameplay and open world
experience, glide around the city using your high-powered Batman gadgets and apprehend
the iconic characters from his Rogues Gallery. Still one of the highest rated games in the
Arkham trilogy, it has a PlayScore of 9.05. 3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Perhaps the most ubiquitous of the entire
Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim is essentially an institution in the open world genre--doing
what GTA does, and putting it in the context medieval fantasy.
Fit into the Dragonborn destiny, and pave
your own legacy amidst a growing civil war. Packed with the immersive inanities of cooking,
crafting, and coupling, theres no wonder its still one of the most played games
today. It has a PlayScore of 9.18. 2.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt It's hard to forget a game like Witcher's
third and, unfortunately, final entry. Get to play as their magical, silver-haired,
debonair as he goes on a mission to find the Child of Prophecy. Take snapshots, play cards, make love, and
bask in the freedom of this rich and breathtaking world. It's CD Projekt Red's personal masterpiece,
and it receives a PlayScore of 9.31.
1. And the best open world game on the PC is
Divinity: Original Sin II. A relative newcomer in the gaming world, Larian
Studios struck gold with this latest title in the Divinity series. Known for tactical turn-based combat with
emergent, element-based gameplay--this sequel takes it to the next level.
Pairing deep customization options with emergent
and cooperative gameplay, it seems to capture the atmosphere the pen and paper RPG experience
in a beautiful and immersive universe. Definitely not the last we'll see of Larian
Studios, it has a PlayScore of 9.33..
Games is Red Faction: Guerrilla Released in 2009, Volition's third person
shooter was dubbed by critics as an open world with a purpose, being one of the few in the
series to actually deliver on its promises. Set in a dystopic year 2125, take on the role
of Alec Mason as he allies with the Red Faction to defeat an oppressive organization on the
planet. An open world game that revolves in primal
destruction set in the Martian planes, it has a PlayScore of 8.44.
24. Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box An amazing reinvention in the Burnout series
that anchored on the experience of discovery and exploration. Paradise was an early open world haven for
the racing enthusiasts. It incorporated their beloved features into
its endless environments.
Get into the showtime spirit wherever and
whenever, and make the biggest splash in the world of racing. It has a PlayScore of 8.46. 23. Grow Home Popping in for a dose of whimsy and color
is Ubisoft's adorable adventure platformer.
In it, you accompany a friendly robot named
BUD who's given the colossal task of oxygenating his homeworld using the various plants at
his disposal. Push, climb, and plant your way through its
procedurally animated word, and bask in the wonders of discovery. It has a PlayScore of 8.47. 22.
Just Cause 2 An underrated gem in the open world category,
this second installment of the Avalance action adventure is a pure haven for complete and
utter destruction. Known for its explosive randomness, tinker
around its highly volatile and highly interactive environment and bask in the primal delight
of watching things go boom. Wreak havoc in the workd of Panau and become
the master of your own digital playground. It has a PlayScore 8.54.
21. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat The third title in GSC Gameworld's radioactive
FPS series, Call of Pripyat takes us back to the post apocalyptic wastelands of Ukraine--particularly
in the divided city of Pripyat. Play as the stalker Alex as he investigates
the mysterious helicopter disappearances in the Zone. Cited as one of the most compelling of the
entire series, discover the secrets of the Zone for yourself with three major areas to
It has a PlayScore of 8.56. 20. Sleeping Dogs Get a taste of Hong Kong's criminal underbelly
in this 2012 action adventure from United Front Games. Thought to be just another GTA clone, Sleeping
Dogs exceeded all expectations.
Play out a soulful tale of the life in crime
as you step in the shoes of undercover cop on a mission to take down the Triads. A colorful and action-packed tour of Hong
Kong, it has a PlayScore of 8.57. 19. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Before the Assassin's Creed had their reputation
for recycled ideas, it had one of the most remarkable open world experiences of the time.
A mix of stealth, adventure, and sandbox style
game play, live out the eventful Assassin along with the new favourite Ezio. Ride horseback around iconic Italian landmarks,
and put yourself in the pages of history. Dated as it may look compared to today's games,
it still remains one of the best titles of the series. It has a PlayScore of 8.59.
18. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Another albeit dated masterpiece. Rockstar brings you back home to your old
homies in Grove street. A follow-up to their highly successful Vice
City, San Andreas opened players to brand new gameplay horizons.
Whether it was new cars, the gym, or strip
club visits--it had it all, effectively cementing GTA in the open world halls of fame. A mesmerizing depiction of life in the 'hood,
it has a PlayScore of 8.62. 17. Grim Dawn Limited budget notwithstanding, Crate Entertainment
delivered the goods with this long tribute to old school hack-and-slash.
Integrating old and new, it ramps it up with
rewarding loot and complex character development. Make use of its dual class system that lets
you combine its six classes with a score of different skills and modifiers. Hitting all the marks with its open world
design and hybrid class system, it has a PlayScore of 8.63. 16.
Mount & Blade: Warband Mount your steed and gallop through the mushes
in this classic action RPG form TaleWorlds Entertainment. A standalone expansion pack, it expands on
their base game by letting you create new factions, choose new political options, and
play with friends in Multiplayer. Dive into the battlefields and immerse yourself
in the exhilarating thrills of the battlefield. It has a PlayScore of 8.65.
15. Far Cry 3 Freedom was at the forefront of Far Cry 3,
and definitely made a mark. Not only for the impressive performance of
their well-written villain, Vaas Montenegro, but also for the sheer thrills of Jason Brody's
tropical paradise. Rescue your friends from the psychopathic
ring leader, drive around the verdant fields, and discover each of their multiple endings.
It has a PlayScore of 8.65. 14. Saints Row IV. A game that might as well be a superhero simulation.
The fourth installment of the over top action
adventure goes Presidential with the Boss unexpected from Street Gang leader to Commander
in Chief. Take your rightful place in the White House,
and go on a killing spree with his newfound superhuman abilities. Withh superspepd races and and the series'
trademark hilarity, it's Saints Row sandbox at its finest. It has a PlayScore of 8.69.
13. Don't Starve Venture into worlds unknown in this german-expressionism
inspired game of gigantic proportions. Fall into eerie wormholes and transport yourself
to a strange of anthropomorphized, steampunk horses, and flaming flies. The goal simply is to survive.
Make it through the night using the limited
resources around you, and increase your chances by determining friends from foes. Not exactly your usual open world adventure,
it has a PlayScore of 8.7. 12. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor The beginning of Monolith Productions success.
Shadow of Mordor boasts a fast-paced hack
and slash combat and a revolutionary Nemesis System. Follow a Gondorian Ranger, Talion, as he exacts
his vengeance on Sauron for murdering his family. Team up with the Ringmaker, Celebrimbor, in
a quest of power and Orc slaughtering glory. It has a PlayScore of 8.78.
11. Forza Horizon 3 Only the third title in their recent racing
series, Horizon has no shortage of promise. Combining two highly marketable genres into
one, it becomes a pure open world haven for racing enthusiasts every. Here's a bigger world to discover as you set
foot in the vast Australian landscapes that's twice larger than their previous hubs.
Prepare to dive into its liberating environments,
and discover the sights and secrets of the lush location. It has a PlayScore of 8.8. 10. Fallout: New Vegas Perhaps one of the most hotly debated franchises.
It looks like New Vegas won this showdown. An open world RPG that's bursting at the seams
with tongue-in-cheek dialog boxes and overall wittiness, it's hard to forget a gem that's
just oozes with charm. Venture forth through the post apocalyptic
wasteland, shoot down radioactive rats in slow motion, and make memories with their
interesting cast of characters. It has a PlayScore of 8.81.
9. Minecraft Infamous for its swath of youtube streamers
and quirky fanbase, Mojang's sandbox game has dug out of its niche box and into our
collective consciousness. Whichever kind of fan you are, there's something
for you to love. Make your mark on the Neptune-sized canvas,
or excercise your craftiness amid its dangerous wilderness.
Perfect for artists and wannabe cuboid cavemen,
it has a PlayScore of 8.86. 8. Subnautica Despite humanity's thousand year presence,
we've still yet to discover the mysteries of our ocean's deep abyss. And that's exactly the kind of unknown world
you'll discover in this nautical open world survival game.
Take a dip into the majestic underseas and
freedive your way through the scenic locales. Build, collect, and discover the mysteries
of the water void. It has a PlayScore of 8.87. 7.
Terraria A game where the only thing that limits your
creativity is your imagination. Terraria is a sandbox-style game that takes
possibilities to a whole new corner. Its core fun lies within the freedom of the
players to seamlessly switch between exploration, combat and construction. It has sold more than 18 million copies due
to the games depth.
What everyone thought was just another Minecraft
clone turned out to be an experience of its own. It has a PlayScore of 8.87 6. A Hat in Time A platform action adventure game that's not
unlike Nintendo's Super Mario Odyssey in terms of style and creativity. Rekindle that childish sense of wonder as
you help a young girl return to her home world.
Roam around its enchanting world, and use
your imagination to solve the various puzzles. It has a PlayScore of 8.87 5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Witness the birth of the man who sold the
world and uncover the events that leads to the first game of the series. Hideo Kojimas final entry to the universally
acclaimed Metal Gear Solid series is a masterpiece of stealth-action-adventure.
Watch how Venom Snake deals with the events
after the Peace Walker. Become embroiled in another tale of political
intrigue as you roam about the deserts of Africa and Afghanistan. It has a PlayScore of 8.93 4. Batman: Arkham City After the groundbreaking success of the Asylum,
Rocksteadys sequel takes your favorite caped crusader to an open-world adventure
in the heart of Gotham City.
With its enhanced gameplay and open world
experience, glide around the city using your high-powered Batman gadgets and apprehend
the iconic characters from his Rogues Gallery. Still one of the highest rated games in the
Arkham trilogy, it has a PlayScore of 9.05. 3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Perhaps the most ubiquitous of the entire
Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim is essentially an institution in the open world genre--doing
what GTA does, and putting it in the context medieval fantasy.
Fit into the Dragonborn destiny, and pave
your own legacy amidst a growing civil war. Packed with the immersive inanities of cooking,
crafting, and coupling, theres no wonder its still one of the most played games
today. It has a PlayScore of 9.18. 2.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt It's hard to forget a game like Witcher's
third and, unfortunately, final entry. Get to play as their magical, silver-haired,
debonair as he goes on a mission to find the Child of Prophecy. Take snapshots, play cards, make love, and
bask in the freedom of this rich and breathtaking world. It's CD Projekt Red's personal masterpiece,
and it receives a PlayScore of 9.31.
1. And the best open world game on the PC is
Divinity: Original Sin II. A relative newcomer in the gaming world, Larian
Studios struck gold with this latest title in the Divinity series. Known for tactical turn-based combat with
emergent, element-based gameplay--this sequel takes it to the next level.
Pairing deep customization options with emergent
and cooperative gameplay, it seems to capture the atmosphere the pen and paper RPG experience
in a beautiful and immersive universe. Definitely not the last we'll see of Larian
Studios, it has a PlayScore of 9.33..
Top 25 Best Free PC Games
DC Universe Online Create your own hero, or villain, in this
MMO Game that pits you against the DC Universe's greatest icons. Customize your movement, weapon, powers, and
even your personality. It's an opportunity to put your ideal self
into the shoes of the most powerful beings. Move forward in your quest for peace or all-out
war by going on missions and increasing your levels.
Eventually, you'll be welcomed into your chosen
unions. Overtake governments, and destroy planets
with The Society, or stop both of those from happening with the Justice League. The ultimate hero experience is right at your
fingertips. It has a PlayScore of 7.37.
Wakfu Part of the Flash-based classic Dofus, this
game is set 1,000 years after. Experience the beauty of tactical RPGs
in this free-to-play game. Stop Ogrest and climb the top of the Mount
Zinit to stop this dude from tearing things apart. The games turn-based tactical combat makes
a return and the use of environmental mechanics can aid your adventure to rebuild the world
that was once lost from the cataclysm.
Pick between their 15 unique classes and enjoy
the simple MMO world Ankama Games created. It has a PlayScore of 7.47 Heroes Of Newerth A MOBA game with similar features like Valves
Dota 2 and Riots League of Legends. Players are separated into two teams: The
Legion and the Hellborne. These teams will scour jungles, move between
lanes just to take down their respective central structures.
Its git gud or go home. Just recently, S2 Games creation didnt
really step up their game lately. Sure, its a free to play game but the player
base seems to have drastically decreased in the past few months. What happened? It has a PlayScore of 7.51 Card Hunter If you want to experience a game thats
similar to Dungeons and Dragons, then youre just one click away from playing this collectible-card
game that takes you and your friends into a magical fantasy world.
Its a mixture of Tactical Combat, Role
Playing, Deck Building and table-top fun. Be guided with Gary as you embark on an epic
quest in solo or with friends. Amass that sharpened blade and fight the baddest
of monsters as long as you play your cards right. It has a PlayScore of 7.52 Loadout This third-person multiplayer shooter lets
you bask in the blood of your blown up enemies.
The games numerous modes and fun weapon
customizations make it so enjoyable with friends. This game is also available on the PlayStation
4. Take on the games various game modes such
as Death Snatch, Extraction, Blitz, Annihilation and more. Critics have praised the games wide depth
of gun customizations but criticized its unbalanced matchmaking.
Its free, so beggars cant be choosers,
right? It has a PlayScore of 7.53 TERA This game is unlike most MMOs. TERA has been a staple of open-world wonder
in the genre since its inception. Its known for its wide array of customizations,
beautiful visuals and a selection of unique heroes from the suave, to the loli?! But its most gripping aspect is the combat. Its widely stated from the developers that
mashing buttons is not necessary.
Instead, you create a chain of powerful attacks
to rip your enemies to shreds. Thats TERA, and it has a PlayScore of 7.55 World of Warships You've had tanks. You've had warplanes. Now, it's time for the naval big boys to take
the oceanic stage.
Navigate the high seas with your team of explorers
and battle it out with destroyers, cruisers, and battleships. Its a high-stakes all-out war, complete
with history's iconic vessels from around the globe. Plus, with incredible and realistic visuals,
it's a satisfyingly explosive experience for your inner warmonger. So go avenge the titanic and torpedo the Yamato.
It has a PlayScore of 7.58. Street Fighter x Mega Man Originally a fanmade tribute, Capcom released
this crossover to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the two franchises. Slide and charge around in classic megaman
fashion and defeat streetfighter bosses in their specially decorated landscapes. Along with its pixel aesthetics, it also combines
the mechanics of both games.
Fill up the street fighters super meter, and
they'll launch a powerful attack on you. Beat their stage, and you'll receive a cool
weapon based off their signature moves. It's a creative fanmade love letter for Capcom
fans, and it's a must-try with a PlayScore of 7.61. Vindictus Step inside a dark and desolate place where
darkness has consumed every flicker of hope.
Be the last line of defense or team up with
your friends to scale demented dungeons filled with gigantic monsters. Unleash brutal chain-combos in its fast-paced
MMORPG style combat and topple enigmatic creatures blocking your way. Choose from a variety of unique classes that
suit your playstyle, survive in dark and twisted dungeons and witness tough challenges that
rips your soul apart. It has a PlayScore of 7.63 Age of Conan: Unchained Explore the land of Robert E.
Howard's imaginings
in an ancient Hyboria brought to life. In this fantasy MMORPG, choose among its many
classes that range from sword-wielding warriors to arcane masters. The game's innovative Real Combat system allows
you direct melee attacks during battle for a more realistic fighting experience. Use your harmony of slashes against perilous
foes, or to prove your might against worthy challengers in its PvP mode.
It's a gritty swords and sorcery tale, and
it's time for you to fulfill your role. It has a PlayScore of 7.64. War Thunder A perfect game when youre in it for the
adrenaline pumping action, insane amount of explosions and the roaring sound of clanking
metal. War Thunder takes our childhood fantasies
of controlling metallic monsters such as Tanks, Warplanes, Warships and more.
Select from its over 800 meticulously-designed
vehicles and take over the land, seas and the skies in intense PvP and PvE action. Its seamless battles and a convenient cross-platform
feature makes the game even bigger. It has a PlayScore of 7.66 Planetside 2 Join an army of elite soldiers in an endless
planetary battle. It's an MMO first person shooter done right,
with massive area and large-scale battles.
Unlike the previous game, this sequel is bigger,
faster, and stronger--holding thousands of players in an enormous open field of all-out
war. Choose a faction and fight alongside hundreds
of allies in the march to victory. If you haven't heard me, it's huge. So huge, in fact, that they've won a Guinness
World Record for it.
Plus, you get to shoot lots of other people. What more can you ask? It has a PlayScore of 7.71. League of Legends Riot Games scores an entry to the list with
a game thats recently been hailed as the most played videogame in the world. Inspired by the Warcraft III mod, take your
place among five champions and conquer the map.
Destroy their towers, storm the bases, and
claim victory by taking the nexus. Other than the standard Summoners Rift,
the game boasts two more game modes with their own unique playstyles. With its fun gameplay and variety of champions,
its no wonder that millions play it every single day. It has a PlayScore of 7.73.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Gather by the hearth and dive deeper into
the Warcraft Universe in a deep and strategic card-based gameplay. Meet your favorite Warcraft heroes such as
Thrall, Jaenna, Garrosh and more in a turn-based card battle where each game is not always
the same. Deceive, outplay and overcome players from
around the world by pulling out the best cards on your deck. Its like Magic, but with Warcraft.
Blizzard continues to pour out support in
this game including new cards, expansions and more! Just recently, they released a new update
called Journey of UnGoro! It has a PlayScore of 7.77 Star Wars: The Old Republic Years before the familiar Star Wars Saga,
light and dark have been in a struggle for domination. In this primordial galactic battle, you will
have to choose your side. Fight alongside the troops of the Old Republic,
or with the malevolent armies of the Sith Empire. Each faction has eight opposing classes with
its own unique storyline that fits the games overarching narrative.
Pave your path towards darkness or light by
forming bonds, exploring the lands, and completing missions. Ready your lightsabers and blasters, and may
the force be with you. It has a PlayScore of 7.87. Warframe Ancient warriors awake from their sleep and
find themselves in the brink of the Grineer's galactic invasion.
Equipped with advanced biomechanical suits,
the Tenno bring their warframes to battle, eliminating the alien lifeforms one planet
a time. But, rescuing the solar system is not a task
done alone. Work towards the common goal with your trio
of cosmic ninjas and take down hundreds of enemies in every location. Despite being free to play, it delivers a
complete experience with its responsive shooting and satisfying kills.
It has a PlayScore of 7.96. Heroes of the Storm Although MOBA arguably built its foundations
under the Warcraft title, it wasnt until recently that Blizzard entered into the battle
arena sphere. Reuniting the characters across all their
games, they face each other in an epic brawl. Watch Jaina Proudmore cast spells side by
side with the warlock GulDan, as they battle it out with Tracer and the demon Diablo himself.
They bring their personalities with them,
as well as some elements from the games they represent. Its a chaotic superstar match of skill
and reflexes and it has a PlayScore of 8.09. Atlas Reactor While turn-based games are fun, they do tend
to be a little slow. This game puts all that behind, putting a
fast-paced twist on tactical combat.
Form your team of four Atlas freelancers and
prepare for a battle of brains and brawns. Lay down your strategies in decision mode,
and watch them play out simultaneously in an explosive resolution mode. It's a psychological arena that requires you
to think ahead. Figure out your opponents moves, react accordingly,
and hope you dont miss.
Its the multiplayer XCOM youve been
waiting for and it has a PlayScore of 8.16. Smite In this universe, every day is Sunday, and
all the deities are coming to play. Gathering in one massive arena, they fight
for the honor of being gods among gods. With a numerous roster of celestial powerhouses,
you either lose your religion, or end up worshipping all of them.
Despite the controversy, Hi REZ Studios continues
to add more to their list of diverse characters. From the beastly Egyptian gods, to the humble
icons of Eastern Philosophies. Enter the greek-themed battlefield, and make
sure you dont end up being sacrifice. It has a PlayScore of 8.16.
Path of Exile While it borrows heavily from the Diablo series,
this game captures the atmosphere of old action RPGs, and upgrades it with a host of new features. It boasts in-depth character customization
and unique level progression. Dive into dark dungeons, slay ferocious beasts,
and collect gems to improve your abilities. It also has a comprehensive passive skill
tree that will let you further personalize your path of exile.
It has a PlayScore of 8.17. The Lord of the Rings Online Step inside a worthy incarnation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. Set in the Lord of the Rings timeline, Sauron continues his quest for domination, sending out the nine Nazguls in search for the One Ring.
Become part of the crusade against the dark
lord as one of five races, and tag along with Aragorn, Legolas, and the rest of Tolkien's
heroes. You may carve your path across the vast kingdoms,
battle with the beasts that roam the lands, but you must never forget second breakfast. It has a PlayScore of 8.17. The Lab A charming VR experience set in the Aperture
Science laboratories.
Travel from pocket universe to pocket universe
and interact with its various virtual environments. Explore eight minigames that range from the
epic to the bizarre. Defend castles with your archery skills, visit
exotic locales, repair robots, and destroy things with a giant slingshot. Its not exactly loaded with content, but
it does offer a fun introduction into the world of virtual reality.
It has a PlayScore of 8.31. The Lion Song: Episode 1 - Silence The first episode in a captivating point-and-click
adventure. Set in the early 1900s, follow the story of
Wilma, a talented composer faced with an upcoming concert. She seeks refuge in the mountains to overcome
her writer's block and complete her magnum opus.
Click on various objects to spur moments of
inspiration and complete her melody. It makes use of pixel visuals that, while
limited, takes nothing away from its detailed and beautiful landscapes. It has a PlayScore of 8.38. Dota 2 Making its humble beginnings as a WarCraft
mod, it was a game that singlehandedly started the MOBA genre.
With one of the pioneering designers at the
helm, Valve created a sequel with overhauled graphics, improved UI, and remodeled heroes. Despite its vibrant looks, It boasts one of
the steepest learning curves. With a hundreds of heroes, and deep mechanics,
theres a lot of things you wont learn on your first days, weeks, and even years. But, get over that hurdle and it easily becomes
one of the most rewarding games out there.
It has a PlayScore of 8.47. And the best Free PC game is Team Fortress
2 It's time to take out the big guns in Valve's
frantic first-person shooter. Veering away from the realism of their other
FPS titles, TF2 showcases its cartoon-style visuals, cheeky animations, and even cheekier
cast of characters. While it doesn't take itself too seriously,
it's still a highly competitive game.
Capture flags, deliver payloads, and control
maps with nine destructive classes that have unique playstyles. Automate, detonate, and dominate! A shooting game has never been this sarcastic. Thats why it's the best Free PC title with
a PlayScore of 8.61..
MMO Game that pits you against the DC Universe's greatest icons. Customize your movement, weapon, powers, and
even your personality. It's an opportunity to put your ideal self
into the shoes of the most powerful beings. Move forward in your quest for peace or all-out
war by going on missions and increasing your levels.
Eventually, you'll be welcomed into your chosen
unions. Overtake governments, and destroy planets
with The Society, or stop both of those from happening with the Justice League. The ultimate hero experience is right at your
fingertips. It has a PlayScore of 7.37.
Wakfu Part of the Flash-based classic Dofus, this
game is set 1,000 years after. Experience the beauty of tactical RPGs
in this free-to-play game. Stop Ogrest and climb the top of the Mount
Zinit to stop this dude from tearing things apart. The games turn-based tactical combat makes
a return and the use of environmental mechanics can aid your adventure to rebuild the world
that was once lost from the cataclysm.
Pick between their 15 unique classes and enjoy
the simple MMO world Ankama Games created. It has a PlayScore of 7.47 Heroes Of Newerth A MOBA game with similar features like Valves
Dota 2 and Riots League of Legends. Players are separated into two teams: The
Legion and the Hellborne. These teams will scour jungles, move between
lanes just to take down their respective central structures.
Its git gud or go home. Just recently, S2 Games creation didnt
really step up their game lately. Sure, its a free to play game but the player
base seems to have drastically decreased in the past few months. What happened? It has a PlayScore of 7.51 Card Hunter If you want to experience a game thats
similar to Dungeons and Dragons, then youre just one click away from playing this collectible-card
game that takes you and your friends into a magical fantasy world.
Its a mixture of Tactical Combat, Role
Playing, Deck Building and table-top fun. Be guided with Gary as you embark on an epic
quest in solo or with friends. Amass that sharpened blade and fight the baddest
of monsters as long as you play your cards right. It has a PlayScore of 7.52 Loadout This third-person multiplayer shooter lets
you bask in the blood of your blown up enemies.
The games numerous modes and fun weapon
customizations make it so enjoyable with friends. This game is also available on the PlayStation
4. Take on the games various game modes such
as Death Snatch, Extraction, Blitz, Annihilation and more. Critics have praised the games wide depth
of gun customizations but criticized its unbalanced matchmaking.
Its free, so beggars cant be choosers,
right? It has a PlayScore of 7.53 TERA This game is unlike most MMOs. TERA has been a staple of open-world wonder
in the genre since its inception. Its known for its wide array of customizations,
beautiful visuals and a selection of unique heroes from the suave, to the loli?! But its most gripping aspect is the combat. Its widely stated from the developers that
mashing buttons is not necessary.
Instead, you create a chain of powerful attacks
to rip your enemies to shreds. Thats TERA, and it has a PlayScore of 7.55 World of Warships You've had tanks. You've had warplanes. Now, it's time for the naval big boys to take
the oceanic stage.
Navigate the high seas with your team of explorers
and battle it out with destroyers, cruisers, and battleships. Its a high-stakes all-out war, complete
with history's iconic vessels from around the globe. Plus, with incredible and realistic visuals,
it's a satisfyingly explosive experience for your inner warmonger. So go avenge the titanic and torpedo the Yamato.
It has a PlayScore of 7.58. Street Fighter x Mega Man Originally a fanmade tribute, Capcom released
this crossover to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the two franchises. Slide and charge around in classic megaman
fashion and defeat streetfighter bosses in their specially decorated landscapes. Along with its pixel aesthetics, it also combines
the mechanics of both games.
Fill up the street fighters super meter, and
they'll launch a powerful attack on you. Beat their stage, and you'll receive a cool
weapon based off their signature moves. It's a creative fanmade love letter for Capcom
fans, and it's a must-try with a PlayScore of 7.61. Vindictus Step inside a dark and desolate place where
darkness has consumed every flicker of hope.
Be the last line of defense or team up with
your friends to scale demented dungeons filled with gigantic monsters. Unleash brutal chain-combos in its fast-paced
MMORPG style combat and topple enigmatic creatures blocking your way. Choose from a variety of unique classes that
suit your playstyle, survive in dark and twisted dungeons and witness tough challenges that
rips your soul apart. It has a PlayScore of 7.63 Age of Conan: Unchained Explore the land of Robert E.
Howard's imaginings
in an ancient Hyboria brought to life. In this fantasy MMORPG, choose among its many
classes that range from sword-wielding warriors to arcane masters. The game's innovative Real Combat system allows
you direct melee attacks during battle for a more realistic fighting experience. Use your harmony of slashes against perilous
foes, or to prove your might against worthy challengers in its PvP mode.
It's a gritty swords and sorcery tale, and
it's time for you to fulfill your role. It has a PlayScore of 7.64. War Thunder A perfect game when youre in it for the
adrenaline pumping action, insane amount of explosions and the roaring sound of clanking
metal. War Thunder takes our childhood fantasies
of controlling metallic monsters such as Tanks, Warplanes, Warships and more.
Select from its over 800 meticulously-designed
vehicles and take over the land, seas and the skies in intense PvP and PvE action. Its seamless battles and a convenient cross-platform
feature makes the game even bigger. It has a PlayScore of 7.66 Planetside 2 Join an army of elite soldiers in an endless
planetary battle. It's an MMO first person shooter done right,
with massive area and large-scale battles.
Unlike the previous game, this sequel is bigger,
faster, and stronger--holding thousands of players in an enormous open field of all-out
war. Choose a faction and fight alongside hundreds
of allies in the march to victory. If you haven't heard me, it's huge. So huge, in fact, that they've won a Guinness
World Record for it.
Plus, you get to shoot lots of other people. What more can you ask? It has a PlayScore of 7.71. League of Legends Riot Games scores an entry to the list with
a game thats recently been hailed as the most played videogame in the world. Inspired by the Warcraft III mod, take your
place among five champions and conquer the map.
Destroy their towers, storm the bases, and
claim victory by taking the nexus. Other than the standard Summoners Rift,
the game boasts two more game modes with their own unique playstyles. With its fun gameplay and variety of champions,
its no wonder that millions play it every single day. It has a PlayScore of 7.73.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Gather by the hearth and dive deeper into
the Warcraft Universe in a deep and strategic card-based gameplay. Meet your favorite Warcraft heroes such as
Thrall, Jaenna, Garrosh and more in a turn-based card battle where each game is not always
the same. Deceive, outplay and overcome players from
around the world by pulling out the best cards on your deck. Its like Magic, but with Warcraft.
Blizzard continues to pour out support in
this game including new cards, expansions and more! Just recently, they released a new update
called Journey of UnGoro! It has a PlayScore of 7.77 Star Wars: The Old Republic Years before the familiar Star Wars Saga,
light and dark have been in a struggle for domination. In this primordial galactic battle, you will
have to choose your side. Fight alongside the troops of the Old Republic,
or with the malevolent armies of the Sith Empire. Each faction has eight opposing classes with
its own unique storyline that fits the games overarching narrative.
Pave your path towards darkness or light by
forming bonds, exploring the lands, and completing missions. Ready your lightsabers and blasters, and may
the force be with you. It has a PlayScore of 7.87. Warframe Ancient warriors awake from their sleep and
find themselves in the brink of the Grineer's galactic invasion.
Equipped with advanced biomechanical suits,
the Tenno bring their warframes to battle, eliminating the alien lifeforms one planet
a time. But, rescuing the solar system is not a task
done alone. Work towards the common goal with your trio
of cosmic ninjas and take down hundreds of enemies in every location. Despite being free to play, it delivers a
complete experience with its responsive shooting and satisfying kills.
It has a PlayScore of 7.96. Heroes of the Storm Although MOBA arguably built its foundations
under the Warcraft title, it wasnt until recently that Blizzard entered into the battle
arena sphere. Reuniting the characters across all their
games, they face each other in an epic brawl. Watch Jaina Proudmore cast spells side by
side with the warlock GulDan, as they battle it out with Tracer and the demon Diablo himself.
They bring their personalities with them,
as well as some elements from the games they represent. Its a chaotic superstar match of skill
and reflexes and it has a PlayScore of 8.09. Atlas Reactor While turn-based games are fun, they do tend
to be a little slow. This game puts all that behind, putting a
fast-paced twist on tactical combat.
Form your team of four Atlas freelancers and
prepare for a battle of brains and brawns. Lay down your strategies in decision mode,
and watch them play out simultaneously in an explosive resolution mode. It's a psychological arena that requires you
to think ahead. Figure out your opponents moves, react accordingly,
and hope you dont miss.
Its the multiplayer XCOM youve been
waiting for and it has a PlayScore of 8.16. Smite In this universe, every day is Sunday, and
all the deities are coming to play. Gathering in one massive arena, they fight
for the honor of being gods among gods. With a numerous roster of celestial powerhouses,
you either lose your religion, or end up worshipping all of them.
Despite the controversy, Hi REZ Studios continues
to add more to their list of diverse characters. From the beastly Egyptian gods, to the humble
icons of Eastern Philosophies. Enter the greek-themed battlefield, and make
sure you dont end up being sacrifice. It has a PlayScore of 8.16.
Path of Exile While it borrows heavily from the Diablo series,
this game captures the atmosphere of old action RPGs, and upgrades it with a host of new features. It boasts in-depth character customization
and unique level progression. Dive into dark dungeons, slay ferocious beasts,
and collect gems to improve your abilities. It also has a comprehensive passive skill
tree that will let you further personalize your path of exile.
It has a PlayScore of 8.17. The Lord of the Rings Online Step inside a worthy incarnation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth. Set in the Lord of the Rings timeline, Sauron continues his quest for domination, sending out the nine Nazguls in search for the One Ring.
Become part of the crusade against the dark
lord as one of five races, and tag along with Aragorn, Legolas, and the rest of Tolkien's
heroes. You may carve your path across the vast kingdoms,
battle with the beasts that roam the lands, but you must never forget second breakfast. It has a PlayScore of 8.17. The Lab A charming VR experience set in the Aperture
Science laboratories.
Travel from pocket universe to pocket universe
and interact with its various virtual environments. Explore eight minigames that range from the
epic to the bizarre. Defend castles with your archery skills, visit
exotic locales, repair robots, and destroy things with a giant slingshot. Its not exactly loaded with content, but
it does offer a fun introduction into the world of virtual reality.
It has a PlayScore of 8.31. The Lion Song: Episode 1 - Silence The first episode in a captivating point-and-click
adventure. Set in the early 1900s, follow the story of
Wilma, a talented composer faced with an upcoming concert. She seeks refuge in the mountains to overcome
her writer's block and complete her magnum opus.
Click on various objects to spur moments of
inspiration and complete her melody. It makes use of pixel visuals that, while
limited, takes nothing away from its detailed and beautiful landscapes. It has a PlayScore of 8.38. Dota 2 Making its humble beginnings as a WarCraft
mod, it was a game that singlehandedly started the MOBA genre.
With one of the pioneering designers at the
helm, Valve created a sequel with overhauled graphics, improved UI, and remodeled heroes. Despite its vibrant looks, It boasts one of
the steepest learning curves. With a hundreds of heroes, and deep mechanics,
theres a lot of things you wont learn on your first days, weeks, and even years. But, get over that hurdle and it easily becomes
one of the most rewarding games out there.
It has a PlayScore of 8.47. And the best Free PC game is Team Fortress
2 It's time to take out the big guns in Valve's
frantic first-person shooter. Veering away from the realism of their other
FPS titles, TF2 showcases its cartoon-style visuals, cheeky animations, and even cheekier
cast of characters. While it doesn't take itself too seriously,
it's still a highly competitive game.
Capture flags, deliver payloads, and control
maps with nine destructive classes that have unique playstyles. Automate, detonate, and dominate! A shooting game has never been this sarcastic. Thats why it's the best Free PC title with
a PlayScore of 8.61..
Top 10 Best PC Fighting Games
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 When it comes to the pinnacle of crossover
fighting games, CAPCOMs popular fighting game takes the world by storm. This is an updated version of The Fate of
Two Worlds which adds 12 new characters from both CAPCOM and Marvel universe including
Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Phoenix Wright, Vergil and more. Together they go out in a 3 versus 3 skirmish
of epic proportions.
Although the gameplay is still similar compared
to its original, the games noticeable change lies in its aerial combat and X-factor systems. These upgrades provide new balance to the
combat, offering a new challenge for veteran and amateur players. Also, the HUD received a revamped aesthetic
flair. Originally part of the planned DLCs for
The Fate of Two Worlds, CAPCOM decided to make this a Standalone Title instead due to
an unfortunate disaster.
It was a very smart move. Gamers and critics praised the games expanded
character roster, enhanced online play and added a sweet new visual flavour. For a game that started during 1996, the series
has come a long way. It has provided players the opportunity to
create their dream battles with their favorite characters.
We cant wait for its sequel, Marvel vs.
Capcom Infinite which is scheduled to release sometime this year. Opening our list of the Top 10 PC Fighting
Games is Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition If theres one thing Mortal Kombat achieved
other than its fluid fighting mechanics, its the gore. The satisfying, eye-popping gore. Since time immemorial, the series is never
afraid to show off the brutality of death.
From decapitation, freezing, stabbing, head-cracking,
impaling and more, Mortal Kombat succeeded at every possible death. Komplete Edition contains all the Downloadable
Content from Netherrealms first Mortal Kombat game. This includes all the new characters like
Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet and the notorious Freddy Krueger. Experience the deadliest tournament with all
the iconic Kombatants in MK history.
Picking up after the events of Armageddon,
stop an evil emperor hell-bent from taking over the world. Pretty generic, but thats how most MK deals
with their story. Considered as a Reboot of the entire franchise,
feel the new yet familiar combat that the series was once known for. With the Unreal Engine, experience high quality
overkills in the most satisfying ways especially with the games new X-Ray supers.
Choose and play from its dynamic gameplay
modes such as Tag Team and Challenge Tower. Lauded for its smooth optimization to the
PC, this is Netherrealms proof that they can make a decent Mortal Kombat game. It has a PlayScore of 8.13 9. Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition Two NetherRealm games in a row shows how much
they love the fighting genre.
The glorious superhero powerplay from DC Comics
makes a grand debut to the videogame industry. Superman loses his faith to humanity and our
favorite superheroes are at a brink of civil war. Watch Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and more
DC characters as they test their moral compass to ensure the safety of humanity. Ultimate Edition is pretty much every other
enhanced titles.
Its smoother, better and it contains all
the Downloadable Content from the original such as 6 new characters, 30 new skins, and
60 new STAR Labs Missions. Its the definitive Injustice experience. The original made a good impression to the
fans and critics due to its impressive story, fluid fighting mechanics and refined visuals. Theres no other way to experience the first
Injustice game without this one.
It receives a PlayScore of 8.15 8. Lethal League Games like these are always a big surprise
when they successfully gain the love of gamers and critics. Team Reptiles fighting game mixes two unlikely
genres: Sports and Fighting. Its a competitive fighting game where players
fling an anti-gravity ball to defeat their opponent.
Its not your everyday ball, its a continuously
speeding projectile that feels like its about to go boom. Featuring a unique bunch of characters, these
street-level heroes unleash their batting skills to remove their opponent from the map. Its similar to Super Smash Bros but it
involves a constant moving projectile instead of big punches and kicks. The games best feature lies in its versus
With up to 4 players and a banging soundtrack,
go in an all out batting war in local or online play. Provided with GGPO technology, feel the high-speed
nature of Lethal League in a seamless online experience. Its in a league of its own, this game has
a PlayScore of 8.20 7. Nidhogg Step into the dueling pits and witness an
award-winning fighting game with an unlikely combination of mechanics: Fencing and Tug
of War.
Deal out ripostes, thrusts, and any exceptional
fencing movements to take down your opponent. Be on your most vigilant state because any
point of opportunity is the key to victory. Its fast, graceful and its full of yelling
and stabbing. Packed with a jumpy electronica soundtrack,
revel in your sophisticated fencing abilities and take down waves and waves of enemies in
its single player mode.
Its ridiculous and oftentimes serious when
played with a friend. Multiplayer is much more enjyoable. Do you want to engage with fisticuffs or do
quick successive lunges to your opponent? Theres just so many things you can do in
a limited environment. Nidhogg gained positive to both gamers and
Calling it an exhilarating experience, if
not downright crazy. Its a fun fighting game and its sequel
is just around the corner. It has a PlayScore of 8.21 6. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full
Burst Mashashi Kishamotos masterpiece has taken
the world by storm with the series long awaited finale.
Full Burst packs together the complete Ultimate
Ninja Storm 3 experience. Which means all the DLCs are present, new
content, and refined visuals. CyberConnect2 grants us the opportunity to
witness the 4th Great Ninja War. This is CyberConnect2s beginning on their
improved dynamic ninja fighting action with the series iconic roster of characters;
and that includes the great Jinchurikis.
Storywise it adds new chapters including Itachis
life after he breaks away from Madaras seal, and a Directors Cut that features
a different viewpoint during the Great War. Additionally, the game offers 100 new missions
and over 30 additional skins to choose from. If youre a Naruto fan or anyone that loves
the good ol ninja action, then this game is the closest thing for becoming the best
Naruto game to date. It was praised for its excellent fan service,
responsive controls, and a story mode that takes you deeper into the lore.
However, the lack of exploration and the dumbed
down difficulty was a tad bit annoying. It receives a PlayScore of 8.26 5. Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code Another case of Japanese name oddities, the
Melty Blood series is known for pioneering the visual novel and fighting game hybrid--well,
among others. It's also known to be developed by Type Moon,
which rose to fame for their now established Fate/ series, and of course, their 2000's
eroge visual novel Tsukihime.
But, despite featuring the characters of the
same Tsukihime series, Melty Blood is fluid, smooth, and decidedly wholesome. The game is set one year after the events
of Shiki Tohno's investigation into a mysterious series of murders. This particular title, while the being the
first made for the Ringwide Arcade Board, marks the end of the long running series. It features a whole collection of playable
characters, including the previous PS2 exclusives.
The freedom of choice is evident in the game,
as you pick from a total of 31 different fighters, each with three separate playstyles to discover. Weave through its intriguing narrative or
compete with players around the globe in Rank and Player matches. Waiting 15 years for a western release, this
has been the fulfillment of many fan's dreams. And while it's not exactly friendly to curious
newcomers, their top notch animations and fast-paced combat can definitely make up for
the grind.
It has a PlayScore of 8.3. 4. Street Fighter IV. Following it's successful premiere on the
PS3 and Xbox consoles, Street Fighter jumpkicked its way to the PC in an unexpected but much
awaited release in 2009.
It gave the once-envious and console-less
population their first taste of the franchise' new generation. A culmination of the lessons learned by the
franchise in ther 20 years of experience, Street Fighter IV has nailed the fundamentals
of their formula, finishing it off with a polished glint. Compared to V's more narrow approach to competitive
fighting, IV seems more diverse and welcoming. With their refined lineup, every character
has their own edge in the fight.
One thing that's different in this iteration
is the Focus Attack that lets you charge and absorb attacks to bring your opponents down
in battle. It's special move that will give you an advantage
in both offensive and defensive play. While everything's been vastly improved in
their recent Ultra version, they've sadly been left wanting for more reviews. But, despite their vanilla roster and balance,
IV still has much of the charm of the series.
Learn your moves, time your combos, and demolish
whoever stands in your way. Or you could just participate in some heavy
button mashing to catch victory. It has a PlayScore of 8.35. 3.
Rivals Of Aether Set in a world where Fire, Earth, Water and
Air collide. Choose your champion and manipulate the elements
together in this fast and frenetic Indie fighting game. Some players are even calling it the Smash
game they deserve since it contains similar gameplay elements to Nintendos iconic brawler. Dive into the games Story Mode where you
uncover the stories from each of the Elemental Champions.
Go into a fiery adventure with Zetterburn,
or feel the earth crumbling with Kraggs story. Players can also test their mettle with Abyss
Mode where players survive a gauntlet of shadowy fighters to climb the leaderboards. But the games real fun lies in its Online
Mode. If you really want to put your fighting skills
to the test, play with a friend or go into its ranked matches.
Its a Smash clone, yes. But its not a bad one. It has a PlayScore of 8.40 Here are the runners-up before we reveal the
number one: 11. Ultimate Marvel vs.
Capcom 3. An updated version of the original game, experience
UMVS like never before with new characters, updated HUD, UI, graphics and more. It receives a PlayScore of 8.07
12. Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
An action packed look into the saiyan-dominated
world of Dragonball. Relive your favorite battles, and visit the
iconic locations. It has a PlayScore of 8.06. 13.
Koihime Enbu. A reimagining of Romance of the three kingdoms,
packed with a little more girl power. With clean visuals, and satisfying controls,
it has a PlayScore of 7.77. 14.
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND. The third in Arc System Work's popular BlazBlue
series. Witness the return of the beloved gang, with
new scenarios and characters. It has a PlayScore of 7.73.
15. Street Fighter X Tekken. A crossover from two of Japan's biggest fighting
games. Pit Ryu and Ken against the infamous Mishima
crew, and discover the secrets of Pandora.
It has a Playscore of 7.66. 2. Skullgirls Conceptualized during the college days and
haunted by development issues, Lab Zero's work of love has definitely come a long way
since its release in 2012. For fighting fans on the PC, Skullgirl's place
in this list is no surprise.
This 2D fighter marries creative, and engaging
artstyle with controls that are both friendly, and competitively balanced. It's the kind a of game that's easy on the
eyes, easier to pick-up, and even harder to master--making it a favorite for veterans
looking for a tight duel, and newcomers looking for some multiplayer fun. Enter their art deco arenas, and enjoy the
anime-steampunk feel of their roster of eight characters. Modelled after Marvel vs Capcom 2's New Age
of Heroes, they share plenty of similarities--with tag-team battles, character assists, and combos.
But what really sets them apart the amount
of creativity poured onto each of their fighters. Explore each of their moves, and find out
which playstyle fits you best. While their fanservicey art has been divisive
at best, it's still one of the finest looking fighters out there. With punishing AIs, extremely accurate hitboxes,
and competitive online community, Skullgirls will stay in the genre's hall of fame for
a long time.
It has a PlayScore of 8.51. 1. And the best fighting game on the PC is Tekken
7 Lo and behold, NAMCOs critically acclaimed
fighting game dominates our list. Step into the seventh King of the Iron First
Tournament and witness the end of the Mishima Feud.
These pesky family problems arent gonna
go running around forever and destroying the world. As per usual, Tekken 7 was released as an
Arcade game first during 2015, then it received a huge port to the consoles and PC. Upon its release, it gained the respect it
deserves. Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, experience
Tekken like never before.
The smooth texture and dazzling special effects
are few of its best features. Gameplay is better than ever. With two new features called Rage Art and
Power Crush, this can really change the tide of each round. Just by watching a single match can really
entertain you.
Especially with their sweet slow motion effect
for that clutch jabs. It was praised for its insanely accurate hitboxes
and reasonable balance changes. With over 39 playable characters, both old
and new, watch how a fighting game stood the test of time. Its definitely the best Tekken game to
date and obviously the best on our list.
It receives a PlayScore of 8.56.
fighting games, CAPCOMs popular fighting game takes the world by storm. This is an updated version of The Fate of
Two Worlds which adds 12 new characters from both CAPCOM and Marvel universe including
Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Phoenix Wright, Vergil and more. Together they go out in a 3 versus 3 skirmish
of epic proportions.
Although the gameplay is still similar compared
to its original, the games noticeable change lies in its aerial combat and X-factor systems. These upgrades provide new balance to the
combat, offering a new challenge for veteran and amateur players. Also, the HUD received a revamped aesthetic
flair. Originally part of the planned DLCs for
The Fate of Two Worlds, CAPCOM decided to make this a Standalone Title instead due to
an unfortunate disaster.
It was a very smart move. Gamers and critics praised the games expanded
character roster, enhanced online play and added a sweet new visual flavour. For a game that started during 1996, the series
has come a long way. It has provided players the opportunity to
create their dream battles with their favorite characters.
We cant wait for its sequel, Marvel vs.
Capcom Infinite which is scheduled to release sometime this year. Opening our list of the Top 10 PC Fighting
Games is Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition If theres one thing Mortal Kombat achieved
other than its fluid fighting mechanics, its the gore. The satisfying, eye-popping gore. Since time immemorial, the series is never
afraid to show off the brutality of death.
From decapitation, freezing, stabbing, head-cracking,
impaling and more, Mortal Kombat succeeded at every possible death. Komplete Edition contains all the Downloadable
Content from Netherrealms first Mortal Kombat game. This includes all the new characters like
Kenshi, Rain, Skarlet and the notorious Freddy Krueger. Experience the deadliest tournament with all
the iconic Kombatants in MK history.
Picking up after the events of Armageddon,
stop an evil emperor hell-bent from taking over the world. Pretty generic, but thats how most MK deals
with their story. Considered as a Reboot of the entire franchise,
feel the new yet familiar combat that the series was once known for. With the Unreal Engine, experience high quality
overkills in the most satisfying ways especially with the games new X-Ray supers.
Choose and play from its dynamic gameplay
modes such as Tag Team and Challenge Tower. Lauded for its smooth optimization to the
PC, this is Netherrealms proof that they can make a decent Mortal Kombat game. It has a PlayScore of 8.13 9. Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition Two NetherRealm games in a row shows how much
they love the fighting genre.
The glorious superhero powerplay from DC Comics
makes a grand debut to the videogame industry. Superman loses his faith to humanity and our
favorite superheroes are at a brink of civil war. Watch Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and more
DC characters as they test their moral compass to ensure the safety of humanity. Ultimate Edition is pretty much every other
enhanced titles.
Its smoother, better and it contains all
the Downloadable Content from the original such as 6 new characters, 30 new skins, and
60 new STAR Labs Missions. Its the definitive Injustice experience. The original made a good impression to the
fans and critics due to its impressive story, fluid fighting mechanics and refined visuals. Theres no other way to experience the first
Injustice game without this one.
It receives a PlayScore of 8.15 8. Lethal League Games like these are always a big surprise
when they successfully gain the love of gamers and critics. Team Reptiles fighting game mixes two unlikely
genres: Sports and Fighting. Its a competitive fighting game where players
fling an anti-gravity ball to defeat their opponent.
Its not your everyday ball, its a continuously
speeding projectile that feels like its about to go boom. Featuring a unique bunch of characters, these
street-level heroes unleash their batting skills to remove their opponent from the map. Its similar to Super Smash Bros but it
involves a constant moving projectile instead of big punches and kicks. The games best feature lies in its versus
With up to 4 players and a banging soundtrack,
go in an all out batting war in local or online play. Provided with GGPO technology, feel the high-speed
nature of Lethal League in a seamless online experience. Its in a league of its own, this game has
a PlayScore of 8.20 7. Nidhogg Step into the dueling pits and witness an
award-winning fighting game with an unlikely combination of mechanics: Fencing and Tug
of War.
Deal out ripostes, thrusts, and any exceptional
fencing movements to take down your opponent. Be on your most vigilant state because any
point of opportunity is the key to victory. Its fast, graceful and its full of yelling
and stabbing. Packed with a jumpy electronica soundtrack,
revel in your sophisticated fencing abilities and take down waves and waves of enemies in
its single player mode.
Its ridiculous and oftentimes serious when
played with a friend. Multiplayer is much more enjyoable. Do you want to engage with fisticuffs or do
quick successive lunges to your opponent? Theres just so many things you can do in
a limited environment. Nidhogg gained positive to both gamers and
Calling it an exhilarating experience, if
not downright crazy. Its a fun fighting game and its sequel
is just around the corner. It has a PlayScore of 8.21 6. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full
Burst Mashashi Kishamotos masterpiece has taken
the world by storm with the series long awaited finale.
Full Burst packs together the complete Ultimate
Ninja Storm 3 experience. Which means all the DLCs are present, new
content, and refined visuals. CyberConnect2 grants us the opportunity to
witness the 4th Great Ninja War. This is CyberConnect2s beginning on their
improved dynamic ninja fighting action with the series iconic roster of characters;
and that includes the great Jinchurikis.
Storywise it adds new chapters including Itachis
life after he breaks away from Madaras seal, and a Directors Cut that features
a different viewpoint during the Great War. Additionally, the game offers 100 new missions
and over 30 additional skins to choose from. If youre a Naruto fan or anyone that loves
the good ol ninja action, then this game is the closest thing for becoming the best
Naruto game to date. It was praised for its excellent fan service,
responsive controls, and a story mode that takes you deeper into the lore.
However, the lack of exploration and the dumbed
down difficulty was a tad bit annoying. It receives a PlayScore of 8.26 5. Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code Another case of Japanese name oddities, the
Melty Blood series is known for pioneering the visual novel and fighting game hybrid--well,
among others. It's also known to be developed by Type Moon,
which rose to fame for their now established Fate/ series, and of course, their 2000's
eroge visual novel Tsukihime.
But, despite featuring the characters of the
same Tsukihime series, Melty Blood is fluid, smooth, and decidedly wholesome. The game is set one year after the events
of Shiki Tohno's investigation into a mysterious series of murders. This particular title, while the being the
first made for the Ringwide Arcade Board, marks the end of the long running series. It features a whole collection of playable
characters, including the previous PS2 exclusives.
The freedom of choice is evident in the game,
as you pick from a total of 31 different fighters, each with three separate playstyles to discover. Weave through its intriguing narrative or
compete with players around the globe in Rank and Player matches. Waiting 15 years for a western release, this
has been the fulfillment of many fan's dreams. And while it's not exactly friendly to curious
newcomers, their top notch animations and fast-paced combat can definitely make up for
the grind.
It has a PlayScore of 8.3. 4. Street Fighter IV. Following it's successful premiere on the
PS3 and Xbox consoles, Street Fighter jumpkicked its way to the PC in an unexpected but much
awaited release in 2009.
It gave the once-envious and console-less
population their first taste of the franchise' new generation. A culmination of the lessons learned by the
franchise in ther 20 years of experience, Street Fighter IV has nailed the fundamentals
of their formula, finishing it off with a polished glint. Compared to V's more narrow approach to competitive
fighting, IV seems more diverse and welcoming. With their refined lineup, every character
has their own edge in the fight.
One thing that's different in this iteration
is the Focus Attack that lets you charge and absorb attacks to bring your opponents down
in battle. It's special move that will give you an advantage
in both offensive and defensive play. While everything's been vastly improved in
their recent Ultra version, they've sadly been left wanting for more reviews. But, despite their vanilla roster and balance,
IV still has much of the charm of the series.
Learn your moves, time your combos, and demolish
whoever stands in your way. Or you could just participate in some heavy
button mashing to catch victory. It has a PlayScore of 8.35. 3.
Rivals Of Aether Set in a world where Fire, Earth, Water and
Air collide. Choose your champion and manipulate the elements
together in this fast and frenetic Indie fighting game. Some players are even calling it the Smash
game they deserve since it contains similar gameplay elements to Nintendos iconic brawler. Dive into the games Story Mode where you
uncover the stories from each of the Elemental Champions.
Go into a fiery adventure with Zetterburn,
or feel the earth crumbling with Kraggs story. Players can also test their mettle with Abyss
Mode where players survive a gauntlet of shadowy fighters to climb the leaderboards. But the games real fun lies in its Online
Mode. If you really want to put your fighting skills
to the test, play with a friend or go into its ranked matches.
Its a Smash clone, yes. But its not a bad one. It has a PlayScore of 8.40 Here are the runners-up before we reveal the
number one: 11. Ultimate Marvel vs.
Capcom 3. An updated version of the original game, experience
UMVS like never before with new characters, updated HUD, UI, graphics and more. It receives a PlayScore of 8.07
12. Dragon Ball Xenoverse.
An action packed look into the saiyan-dominated
world of Dragonball. Relive your favorite battles, and visit the
iconic locations. It has a PlayScore of 8.06. 13.
Koihime Enbu. A reimagining of Romance of the three kingdoms,
packed with a little more girl power. With clean visuals, and satisfying controls,
it has a PlayScore of 7.77. 14.
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND. The third in Arc System Work's popular BlazBlue
series. Witness the return of the beloved gang, with
new scenarios and characters. It has a PlayScore of 7.73.
15. Street Fighter X Tekken. A crossover from two of Japan's biggest fighting
games. Pit Ryu and Ken against the infamous Mishima
crew, and discover the secrets of Pandora.
It has a Playscore of 7.66. 2. Skullgirls Conceptualized during the college days and
haunted by development issues, Lab Zero's work of love has definitely come a long way
since its release in 2012. For fighting fans on the PC, Skullgirl's place
in this list is no surprise.
This 2D fighter marries creative, and engaging
artstyle with controls that are both friendly, and competitively balanced. It's the kind a of game that's easy on the
eyes, easier to pick-up, and even harder to master--making it a favorite for veterans
looking for a tight duel, and newcomers looking for some multiplayer fun. Enter their art deco arenas, and enjoy the
anime-steampunk feel of their roster of eight characters. Modelled after Marvel vs Capcom 2's New Age
of Heroes, they share plenty of similarities--with tag-team battles, character assists, and combos.
But what really sets them apart the amount
of creativity poured onto each of their fighters. Explore each of their moves, and find out
which playstyle fits you best. While their fanservicey art has been divisive
at best, it's still one of the finest looking fighters out there. With punishing AIs, extremely accurate hitboxes,
and competitive online community, Skullgirls will stay in the genre's hall of fame for
a long time.
It has a PlayScore of 8.51. 1. And the best fighting game on the PC is Tekken
7 Lo and behold, NAMCOs critically acclaimed
fighting game dominates our list. Step into the seventh King of the Iron First
Tournament and witness the end of the Mishima Feud.
These pesky family problems arent gonna
go running around forever and destroying the world. As per usual, Tekken 7 was released as an
Arcade game first during 2015, then it received a huge port to the consoles and PC. Upon its release, it gained the respect it
deserves. Powered by the Unreal Engine 4, experience
Tekken like never before.
The smooth texture and dazzling special effects
are few of its best features. Gameplay is better than ever. With two new features called Rage Art and
Power Crush, this can really change the tide of each round. Just by watching a single match can really
entertain you.
Especially with their sweet slow motion effect
for that clutch jabs. It was praised for its insanely accurate hitboxes
and reasonable balance changes. With over 39 playable characters, both old
and new, watch how a fighting game stood the test of time. Its definitely the best Tekken game to
date and obviously the best on our list.
It receives a PlayScore of 8.56.
This is a Handheld Gaming PC
- This video is sponsored by Squarespace, whether you need to domain, online store or website, make it with Squarespace. Hey guys, this is Austin! This
inconspicuous box right here contains a portable game console that is a full fledged PC with Windows. This is the GPD WIN2. Now to be clear, this is
the light prototype, so the final version will have
some fit and finish differences, but it should give us a
good look at what this guy is actually going to be
like when it goes on sale.
Yo! It looks like a little laptop! Wow! (Laughs) This is so cool! So if you guys remember
last year, we did a video on the world's smallest laptop at the time, which is also made by GPD. Well this actually takes
a lot of cues from that, but it actually has pretty
much a full Xbox controller built in, in addition to a tiny keyboard. I've gotta say, the hardware
feels surprisingly solid. So it's all metal and-
actually is that metal? (Taps) Oh yeah this is
definitely metal.
Man! This is very unusual, there's all kinds of weird buttons and ports, there's a full size USB port on the back of your tiny game console. So in addition to a slot for the SSD, you will also see the tiny fan. Now what separates this
from something like that GPD laptop that we
took a look at last year, is this has a proper core
processor, now mind you, its a low wattage core
M3, but still, it actually should be enough to
play some decent games. There's a pretty wide variety of ports, including a USB type C, which
can also be used for charging, a headphone jack, a full
size USB 3.0, Micro SD, we have a Micro HDMI, as well as we have three sets of shoulder buttons.
Take a look inside the
WIN 2 and you'll see it's a pretty interesting little device. So in addition to having
a pair of joysticks, you also get a D-Pad as
well as your standard X, Y, A, and B buttons, there's
a little toggle here that will switch between mouse input as well as just turning it into a game controller. But even on the keyboard
there's some specific options, including the Xbox buttons, select, start, you can even use the arrow
keys as well as the WASD. Now is it a good idea for
you to set your tiny little laptop portable console thing up, and use it with a mouse
and this tiny keyboard? No, that's not a good idea at all.
But you have the USB
port so, you can do it. So while I might not sound impressive with a six inch 720p display, it actually does make sense considering that the fairly limited power
of the actual computer... Or, game console? What do I call this? Do I call
this a computer, you think? I mean, it runs Windows.
It's a computer, right? - [Man] Handheld PC. - Handheld PC.
Coming back! 2018! The year of handheld PCs. Do you hear that? That's the sound... Of portable power! It's actually not that
loud; it's just a little... Little high pitched.
I will say one thing: Now that
we're actually into Windows, 720p on a six inch display
is very, very small. Inside, this guy is rocking
that core m3 processor with the integrated HD 615 graphics, 8GB of RAM, 128GB SSD, as well as a pair of 4900 milliamp hour batteries. Which especially when you're
doing longer gaming sessions should definitely come in handy. So because this guy only
has 120 gigs of storage out of the box, I am using
an external drive, but let's actually see how the
controls hold up in gaming.
The first game I'm going
to be trying is CS:Go. Now, this is a famous game
that is really well known for how well it is supported
by controllers and, how it really is the ultimate
way of playing the game. Alright, I'm just gonna
walk around with a pistol because I don't know what
the controls are to switch... Oh it's space.
So, immediately the
performance seems decent. Um, I definitely need
to tune the sensitivity of these sticks but getting like 45 frames per
second on medium at 720p. The more I play this, the
more it really does feel like I'm playing on a PC version of the Switch. The six inch screen, even though it's not super high resolution or anything, because it's so small,
it makes a lot of games, even on medium, look pretty decent.
Next, we have Rocket League. Now here I'm also going
to turn it down to 720p on quality settings. But, I think we should be playable. A game like Rocket League
does feel at home on the Win.
Not only is it powerful
enough to play it pretty well, the controls feel really nice. So, something that I'm noticing here is that the quality of the
buttons and especially the sticks feels solid; it feels like,
while yes, this is going to be a little bit of
an expensive portable, would you see where they spent it? It wasn't like they
were just going crazy... And oh yeah, come on, come on come on... No, no...
Next, we have GTA5. Now this, it claim, is
able to be played back at around 40 frames per
second with max settings. However, while I'm playing
it here at 720p on normal, I'm getting like 20 frames per second. So I'm not exactly sure how
they're getting that number.
I mean, it's kinda
playable, just about as much as, like, the Xbox 360 version, maybe? But, yeah not the greatest experience. Even thought the controls
are good for the most part I will say it is a little
bit awkward to have three set of buttons on your
shoulders instead of two. So instead of being able
to press in the sticks for R3 and L3, you actually
have that dedicated button around back. And that's fine, but I
accidentally keep grabbing it when I mean to do something like shoot at someone or something,
which is kind annoying.
Now comes the real test. Can
I play Overwatch on this guy? So at first glance, a
portable Overwatch machine sounds like a great idea. But I'm curious to see what the actual performance looks like. So in Overwatch its 720p
on low.
We do see the frame rate dropping a little
bit from time to time, especially when you get into a
big battle, but it is usable. My big issue is just the
sort of the sensitivity of the sticks; I feel like
it does need a little bit of sort of customization to
be able to really get it into a good sweet spot. But it's, uh, it's not bad.
Also, what am I doing here? That was a bad idea. So, should you pick up the GPD Win 2? Well, it's a little bit more complicated than a lot of videos.
On one hand, even though,
yeah, it's a little bit of a weird concept, the Win actually pulls it off pretty well. The biggest downside is price. So it's $650 on Indiegogo right now, and somewhere north of $800 when it goes for full retail sale. The GPD Win 2 is for a
very specific person.
For everyone else, may I interest you in something called the Nintendo Switch. And, if you pick up a Switch, you can use all the money you saved to
sign up for Squarespace. See what I did there? Squarespace is the ultimate
way to build yourself a Nintendo Switch fan page, or well pretty much anything else. And, in case you don't have a ken to build a website for you, Squarespace makes it super simple with their easy drag-and-drop templates, to not only be able to create a really custom looking website, but something that's going
to be really easy to build.
Squarespace makes everything super simple with their all-in-one
platform. There's no need to install, patch, or
upgrade anything ever. And, in case you ever have any issues, they have awesome 24/7 customer service. It's simple to get up-and-running with a custom domain, as well.
So if you already have one
such as AustinEvans.Com, it's very simple to port
it into Squarespace. But if you don't already have a domain, if you signup for a year, you're actually going to get one for free included. So, if you are ready to make your next move with Squarespace, head over to Squarespace.Com/Austin to get 10% off your first domain or website purchase. Anyway, thank you guys
so much for watching, and I will catch you in the next one..
inconspicuous box right here contains a portable game console that is a full fledged PC with Windows. This is the GPD WIN2. Now to be clear, this is
the light prototype, so the final version will have
some fit and finish differences, but it should give us a
good look at what this guy is actually going to be
like when it goes on sale.
Yo! It looks like a little laptop! Wow! (Laughs) This is so cool! So if you guys remember
last year, we did a video on the world's smallest laptop at the time, which is also made by GPD. Well this actually takes
a lot of cues from that, but it actually has pretty
much a full Xbox controller built in, in addition to a tiny keyboard. I've gotta say, the hardware
feels surprisingly solid. So it's all metal and-
actually is that metal? (Taps) Oh yeah this is
definitely metal.
Man! This is very unusual, there's all kinds of weird buttons and ports, there's a full size USB port on the back of your tiny game console. So in addition to a slot for the SSD, you will also see the tiny fan. Now what separates this
from something like that GPD laptop that we
took a look at last year, is this has a proper core
processor, now mind you, its a low wattage core
M3, but still, it actually should be enough to
play some decent games. There's a pretty wide variety of ports, including a USB type C, which
can also be used for charging, a headphone jack, a full
size USB 3.0, Micro SD, we have a Micro HDMI, as well as we have three sets of shoulder buttons.
Take a look inside the
WIN 2 and you'll see it's a pretty interesting little device. So in addition to having
a pair of joysticks, you also get a D-Pad as
well as your standard X, Y, A, and B buttons, there's
a little toggle here that will switch between mouse input as well as just turning it into a game controller. But even on the keyboard
there's some specific options, including the Xbox buttons, select, start, you can even use the arrow
keys as well as the WASD. Now is it a good idea for
you to set your tiny little laptop portable console thing up, and use it with a mouse
and this tiny keyboard? No, that's not a good idea at all.
But you have the USB
port so, you can do it. So while I might not sound impressive with a six inch 720p display, it actually does make sense considering that the fairly limited power
of the actual computer... Or, game console? What do I call this? Do I call
this a computer, you think? I mean, it runs Windows.
It's a computer, right? - [Man] Handheld PC. - Handheld PC.
Coming back! 2018! The year of handheld PCs. Do you hear that? That's the sound... Of portable power! It's actually not that
loud; it's just a little... Little high pitched.
I will say one thing: Now that
we're actually into Windows, 720p on a six inch display
is very, very small. Inside, this guy is rocking
that core m3 processor with the integrated HD 615 graphics, 8GB of RAM, 128GB SSD, as well as a pair of 4900 milliamp hour batteries. Which especially when you're
doing longer gaming sessions should definitely come in handy. So because this guy only
has 120 gigs of storage out of the box, I am using
an external drive, but let's actually see how the
controls hold up in gaming.
The first game I'm going
to be trying is CS:Go. Now, this is a famous game
that is really well known for how well it is supported
by controllers and, how it really is the ultimate
way of playing the game. Alright, I'm just gonna
walk around with a pistol because I don't know what
the controls are to switch... Oh it's space.
So, immediately the
performance seems decent. Um, I definitely need
to tune the sensitivity of these sticks but getting like 45 frames per
second on medium at 720p. The more I play this, the
more it really does feel like I'm playing on a PC version of the Switch. The six inch screen, even though it's not super high resolution or anything, because it's so small,
it makes a lot of games, even on medium, look pretty decent.
Next, we have Rocket League. Now here I'm also going
to turn it down to 720p on quality settings. But, I think we should be playable. A game like Rocket League
does feel at home on the Win.
Not only is it powerful
enough to play it pretty well, the controls feel really nice. So, something that I'm noticing here is that the quality of the
buttons and especially the sticks feels solid; it feels like,
while yes, this is going to be a little bit of
an expensive portable, would you see where they spent it? It wasn't like they
were just going crazy... And oh yeah, come on, come on come on... No, no...
Next, we have GTA5. Now this, it claim, is
able to be played back at around 40 frames per
second with max settings. However, while I'm playing
it here at 720p on normal, I'm getting like 20 frames per second. So I'm not exactly sure how
they're getting that number.
I mean, it's kinda
playable, just about as much as, like, the Xbox 360 version, maybe? But, yeah not the greatest experience. Even thought the controls
are good for the most part I will say it is a little
bit awkward to have three set of buttons on your
shoulders instead of two. So instead of being able
to press in the sticks for R3 and L3, you actually
have that dedicated button around back. And that's fine, but I
accidentally keep grabbing it when I mean to do something like shoot at someone or something,
which is kind annoying.
Now comes the real test. Can
I play Overwatch on this guy? So at first glance, a
portable Overwatch machine sounds like a great idea. But I'm curious to see what the actual performance looks like. So in Overwatch its 720p
on low.
We do see the frame rate dropping a little
bit from time to time, especially when you get into a
big battle, but it is usable. My big issue is just the
sort of the sensitivity of the sticks; I feel like
it does need a little bit of sort of customization to
be able to really get it into a good sweet spot. But it's, uh, it's not bad.
Also, what am I doing here? That was a bad idea. So, should you pick up the GPD Win 2? Well, it's a little bit more complicated than a lot of videos.
On one hand, even though,
yeah, it's a little bit of a weird concept, the Win actually pulls it off pretty well. The biggest downside is price. So it's $650 on Indiegogo right now, and somewhere north of $800 when it goes for full retail sale. The GPD Win 2 is for a
very specific person.
For everyone else, may I interest you in something called the Nintendo Switch. And, if you pick up a Switch, you can use all the money you saved to
sign up for Squarespace. See what I did there? Squarespace is the ultimate
way to build yourself a Nintendo Switch fan page, or well pretty much anything else. And, in case you don't have a ken to build a website for you, Squarespace makes it super simple with their easy drag-and-drop templates, to not only be able to create a really custom looking website, but something that's going
to be really easy to build.
Squarespace makes everything super simple with their all-in-one
platform. There's no need to install, patch, or
upgrade anything ever. And, in case you ever have any issues, they have awesome 24/7 customer service. It's simple to get up-and-running with a custom domain, as well.
So if you already have one
such as AustinEvans.Com, it's very simple to port
it into Squarespace. But if you don't already have a domain, if you signup for a year, you're actually going to get one for free included. So, if you are ready to make your next move with Squarespace, head over to Squarespace.Com/Austin to get 10% off your first domain or website purchase. Anyway, thank you guys
so much for watching, and I will catch you in the next one..
The ULTIMATE Sleeper PC Build
In the automotive world a sleeper is typically a slow car like say a Toyota, Cressida That has been modified to be insanely fast And there's another key element the best sleepers like this one from mighty car mods feature no external modification So potential challengers would have no way of knowing that it's capable of chopping them to shreds eating aforementioned shreds then pooping them out, so inspired by this concept we grab the nastiest oldest your great-uncle is still using it for some reason case that we could find and Vowed to make it smash gains once more meet Hubert, play name plain looks plane performance You know that kind of plane? Synergy allows you to share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers at once check it out now at the link in the video description So first we needed a case and our good friends over at Free Geek hooked us up with this, an Ntech Sx 840 which back in the day was pretty dope but after almost 15 years of filth collection, well Let's just say it was Perfect opening it up though the insides actually could have been a lot worse all things considered I wonder if this thing has even been opened since shortly after it passed QC back in 2003 I really hate that that's a long time ago now anyway Next order of business was a plan to pack it full of as much power and water cooling as we could and because Alex can't resist an opportunity to fire up that copy of Solidworks that they gave us for just such occasions We created a model of the case and started Virtually test-fitting our components radiator in the bottom with vent holes Hmm. Well that could fit, but then we'd be stuck with a single graphics card Unacceptable so we settled then on a thick triple radiator in the front this might seem slightly overkill But these new core i9 processors run hot as hell when overclocked and we wanted to be able to push up this baby as far as possible Time to head down to the workshop we pulled the drives then spent about the next half an hour drilling out rivets with our trusty bottle of rapid tap Ah, that's better I mean who needs ancient mechanical drives when you can have more room for cooling time for a test fit then before we make any Irreversible modifications. Our pump reservoir position was the trickiest to figure out At first we wanted it to go in the bottom But because of the PCIe slot positioning on our Asus Prime X2-99 Deluxe we couldn't make that work There is some room up top but that would make filling the system more difficult without putting in a fill port in the top and ruining our Beautiful sleeper aesthetic, so finally we came up with an idea Maybe we could mount it to the fan I mean sure, that's not the greatest for airflow and it means that we'll have to be darn careful while drilling into them But it might be just crazy enough to work. How to mount the radiator though? Holes in the front of the case would be the most obvious solution but stealing the top radiator mount from a master case pro 5 would save us some time, so we flattened it out a bit and Oh, shoot.
Still about a half an inch too thick not a problem though. It's angle grinder man to the rescue so with the cuts tidied up it did still interfere slightly with the Motherboard Tray rivet, so Out those came with the drill and these holes here should serve us well for mounting the radiator. Of course though our troubles weren't finished and we were still having some difficulty. Getting it in due to these pesky tabs thankfully almost every problem in life can be solved with abrasives Much better.
To line up the screw holes, We poked the drill through the existing holes and gave it a little spin just to remove some of the paint so we knew where to drill. Next we center punched where the screws would be and drilled on through we then poor-man's tapped them out with some thumb screws and a lot of love and Holy Crap! This might actually work Now since the reservoir can't go anywhere else we had to make some modifications to this poor fan So we started small then worked our way up to the thicker objects. That's always the best way Okay, then awesome the reservoirs mounted But clearly we'll need more airflow. Angle grinder to the rescue again and as though like Magic That's more like it so with hopefully all of our modifications to the case finished It was time to finish it off with a nice coat of black tape So at this point, we were ready to slap all the parts in, plan out our water cooling loop and Call it a day, but then Shortly after the cameras turned off for the night Getting jiggy with it came on the radio and we realized the soft tubing we'd planned Wasn't big willy style.
So we flip the script and flip the red Extended the rest and devised the plan for a loop sexy and hard enough for even the biggest willies So instructions for hard line then measure cut fill heat Bend check insert secure Rinse and repeat until done. Custom hard line water cooling easy as that After several hours of cable management, man old cases suck for that We were ready for the final touch-ups So we disassembled the loop installed the storage, ram, 80 millimeter OG Case fans which only got cleaned on the inside to maintain our sleepers perfect external fill and then reassembled the loop and filled it up So, then at this point. We put back together the outside of the case front panel goes on with double side tape, CD and floppy drives the side panels go back on and would you look at that? It's still awful and dirty on the outside Leaving anyone without a very keen eye to dismiss it as old crap But open it up And holy freak. Is it beautiful and with the horses to back it up.
With an intel core i9-7900X 10 cores, 64 gigs of ram RGB of course. Dual Geforce GTX 1080. Samsung 940 Pro SSD in a fully custom water cooling loop We are looking at a machine that can run with pretty much anything out there today, while staying both cool and quiet That is if, you disable the rear fans... Cause they're really really loud.
So bask in the glory now of Hubert and stay tuned for dale Because the sleeper PC series is far from over So if you're a game developer or a video editor or you, uh You use both linux and windows one for serious work and one for gaming Whatever the reason is that you have two computers Synergy solves once and for all the problem of needing to have two keyboards and two mice to go with them because it allows you to share your peripherals between multiple computers, so you won't get confused anymore they have a basic and a pro option for Synergy With a one-time payment for features that include copy and pasting between the computers dragging and dropping files between computers The ability to set up hotkeys and more. And the best part is that synergy works cross-Platform between Windows, Mac and even Linux. So check out the link in the video description and get 50% off Synergy today So thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video I'm sorry that you hate fun but if you liked it hit that like button get subscribed and maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured At the link in the video description also down there is a link to Free Geek huge shout out to them for hooking us up here as Well as our community forum and our merch store both of which you should check out.
Still about a half an inch too thick not a problem though. It's angle grinder man to the rescue so with the cuts tidied up it did still interfere slightly with the Motherboard Tray rivet, so Out those came with the drill and these holes here should serve us well for mounting the radiator. Of course though our troubles weren't finished and we were still having some difficulty. Getting it in due to these pesky tabs thankfully almost every problem in life can be solved with abrasives Much better.
To line up the screw holes, We poked the drill through the existing holes and gave it a little spin just to remove some of the paint so we knew where to drill. Next we center punched where the screws would be and drilled on through we then poor-man's tapped them out with some thumb screws and a lot of love and Holy Crap! This might actually work Now since the reservoir can't go anywhere else we had to make some modifications to this poor fan So we started small then worked our way up to the thicker objects. That's always the best way Okay, then awesome the reservoirs mounted But clearly we'll need more airflow. Angle grinder to the rescue again and as though like Magic That's more like it so with hopefully all of our modifications to the case finished It was time to finish it off with a nice coat of black tape So at this point, we were ready to slap all the parts in, plan out our water cooling loop and Call it a day, but then Shortly after the cameras turned off for the night Getting jiggy with it came on the radio and we realized the soft tubing we'd planned Wasn't big willy style.
So we flip the script and flip the red Extended the rest and devised the plan for a loop sexy and hard enough for even the biggest willies So instructions for hard line then measure cut fill heat Bend check insert secure Rinse and repeat until done. Custom hard line water cooling easy as that After several hours of cable management, man old cases suck for that We were ready for the final touch-ups So we disassembled the loop installed the storage, ram, 80 millimeter OG Case fans which only got cleaned on the inside to maintain our sleepers perfect external fill and then reassembled the loop and filled it up So, then at this point. We put back together the outside of the case front panel goes on with double side tape, CD and floppy drives the side panels go back on and would you look at that? It's still awful and dirty on the outside Leaving anyone without a very keen eye to dismiss it as old crap But open it up And holy freak. Is it beautiful and with the horses to back it up.
With an intel core i9-7900X 10 cores, 64 gigs of ram RGB of course. Dual Geforce GTX 1080. Samsung 940 Pro SSD in a fully custom water cooling loop We are looking at a machine that can run with pretty much anything out there today, while staying both cool and quiet That is if, you disable the rear fans... Cause they're really really loud.
So bask in the glory now of Hubert and stay tuned for dale Because the sleeper PC series is far from over So if you're a game developer or a video editor or you, uh You use both linux and windows one for serious work and one for gaming Whatever the reason is that you have two computers Synergy solves once and for all the problem of needing to have two keyboards and two mice to go with them because it allows you to share your peripherals between multiple computers, so you won't get confused anymore they have a basic and a pro option for Synergy With a one-time payment for features that include copy and pasting between the computers dragging and dropping files between computers The ability to set up hotkeys and more. And the best part is that synergy works cross-Platform between Windows, Mac and even Linux. So check out the link in the video description and get 50% off Synergy today So thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video I'm sorry that you hate fun but if you liked it hit that like button get subscribed and maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured At the link in the video description also down there is a link to Free Geek huge shout out to them for hooking us up here as Well as our community forum and our merch store both of which you should check out.
The ULTIMATE Compact Sleeper PC Build
Our first sleeper PC; we nicknamed him Hubert, rocked dual GTX 1080's, a Intel Core i9 processor and Hardline liquid cooling crammed into a pretty old Antec case So how do we one-up something like that? Ha-ha, meet Hubert's brother Dale. Sure, Dale is a bit smaller and wayy older, but don't let his outward appearance fool you because, this build Sponsored by Intel, is about as fast as a gaming PC can be in 2017. * Laszlo - Supernova* We knew that for a small form-factor sleeper, we needed a really unique case as a starting point. And our good friends over at Free Geek Vancouver were able to provide just that.
They have everything there. This Morrow Designs MD3 hails from 1982 making it older than literally, everyone in our office, and it has clearly seen better days. With its dual floppy bass and 8-bit operating system, this puppy would have cost about three thousand dollars back in its day But it hasn't worked in years, and even if it did, it is basically useless now. Cracking it open, other than this massive dust bunny, it's really not that bad though all things considered.
So with the internals removed, it was time to do some test fitting. Now, unfortunately, a full sized, high end GPU is just a bit too long to fit. But ZOTAC had exactly the right medicine, this mini GTX 1080Ti with a water cooling block. So, huh, I guess we'll have to water cool the system now then, but that's not going to be easy in such a small space, and we're gonna be limited to a thick, single radiator.
But we're hoping that that's going to be enough, which brings us to the best part of every mod, angle grinding! From the factory, there's mounting for literally no modern hardware, so all of the cutouts for I/O and mounting had to be created from scratch. For the motherboard here, It was, basically a case of cut-a-bunch-out-with-the-angle-grinder-then-come-in-with-the-Dremel for a while, and finally finish off with a hand file. This one hole here, actually took close to four hours, since there was no going back if we slipped up. Now in 1982 120 mil fans for PCs were not a thing at all, so we needed a new fan hole.
With some help from this cable management tie, we cut it out using the cannibal, and then at this stage We also drilled lots of holes for everything to mount on the bottom. We decided to position the GPU above the motherboard. This ended up being a bit tricky, because Originally, we were going to use this 3D Printed bracket, but it was Really ugly and not in like a cool vintage way, so we opted to Very slowly, create mounting points for the backplate and holes for the I/O to fasten It directly to the back of the chassis instead. Bringing us to test fit time.
And it looks good! Now, for the front of the floppy drives, just to be sure, and... Oh crap! Ooh, I guess that interferes with the radiator No worries, though. Just a little bit of hole enbiggenment, and Dale is off to get a fresh coat of paint, BUT only on the inside. On that topic, let's talk about what's under the hood.
For the CPU we went with Intel's Core i7 8700K making dale as good as it gets for gaming for our motherboard We chose an Asus Z370I Gaming, with a Samsung NVME SSD underneath this sexy heatsink Then to keep the CPU cool, We're using an EK Supremacy full nickel block. We decided against an acrylic block since it'll actually have to help hold up the graphics card And also, because you won't be able to see it anyway. For our radiator, We went with a 120 millimeter single rad from alpha cool. That is a massive 60 millimeters thick and then for our pump we're using an EK SPC 60 with a built in cylindrical reservoir.
We went with these super sexy white fittings and black acrylic tube both provided by bits power for a sleek monochrome look The first bend was one of the hardest since it needs to come around our PCI Express extender and then make a funky bend too, so We ended up just making a little steak out of black fittings in hopes that nobody would notice right here The bending wasn't finished yet, though. Next this 90 degree from the pump to the res and after that a nice long tube from the GPU back to the radiator Both of which were made the perfect length with a bit of help from the bench sander Now, we just need to do a bunch of little touch-ups to make it perfect like Splicing together the LEDs for the drives so they can be attached to the hard drive header Soldering on the front panel connector that we borrowed from another case so that the OG power button and LED would still work gently removing the print and modem ports massaging them with the uh, sander before inserting them and then finally... Screwing and double-sided taping the fronts to the floppy drives back in their original positions the insides we finished off with this sweet purple cathode from bits power and U N B E L I E V A B L E. 800 Watt 80-plus titanium SF XL modular power supply from silverstone And some cleanup from Ivan the cable management king Perfect.
Now, Let's fill the loop making sure to use a secondary power supply so that in the unlikely event that we have a spill- OH SH** Seriously you guys forgot a plug on the radiator. Oh, man I mean, it... At least it wasn't out in the open I'm an idiot Yes But now you're not alone my friend so my team of skilled boaters Remove the rad added a plug and tightened everything down- AHA NO It leaked again. What are you guys even doing this time the tubing is full! No worries though, what you're looking at right now is a perfectly legitimate Strategy for emptying a loop by the way Yes, perfectly legitimate totally not weird So after swapping out some of the fittings...
Third time's a charm We were finally leak-free to see how Dale runs And performance wise? Oh... It runs Idle temps are in the 20s, and then under full synthetic load on the CPU and GPU. For half an hour with the lid closed Dale held steady at 80 degrees with the CPU still turbo Eng - 4 gigahertz on all six cores though it should be noted that he did get a little loud in this scenario As for games though, here things got even more impressive. Dale, in spite of his looks can drag race with ANY challenger He is one of the fastest, small form factor computers on the market with frames per second in the hundreds on ultra and And even during heavy extended gaming sessions He stayed reasonably quiet with GPU temperatures maxing out at 53 degrees so let's bask then in the glory of Dale and Look out for our next addition to the sleeper family...
Margaret [80's music plays] So, thanks for watching guys if you dislike this video you can hit that button But if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we've featured... How about a core i7 processor even if you can't get this case to put it in at the link in the video description Also down. There is our merch store, which has full shirts like this one and our community forum, which you should totally join.
They have everything there. This Morrow Designs MD3 hails from 1982 making it older than literally, everyone in our office, and it has clearly seen better days. With its dual floppy bass and 8-bit operating system, this puppy would have cost about three thousand dollars back in its day But it hasn't worked in years, and even if it did, it is basically useless now. Cracking it open, other than this massive dust bunny, it's really not that bad though all things considered.
So with the internals removed, it was time to do some test fitting. Now, unfortunately, a full sized, high end GPU is just a bit too long to fit. But ZOTAC had exactly the right medicine, this mini GTX 1080Ti with a water cooling block. So, huh, I guess we'll have to water cool the system now then, but that's not going to be easy in such a small space, and we're gonna be limited to a thick, single radiator.
But we're hoping that that's going to be enough, which brings us to the best part of every mod, angle grinding! From the factory, there's mounting for literally no modern hardware, so all of the cutouts for I/O and mounting had to be created from scratch. For the motherboard here, It was, basically a case of cut-a-bunch-out-with-the-angle-grinder-then-come-in-with-the-Dremel for a while, and finally finish off with a hand file. This one hole here, actually took close to four hours, since there was no going back if we slipped up. Now in 1982 120 mil fans for PCs were not a thing at all, so we needed a new fan hole.
With some help from this cable management tie, we cut it out using the cannibal, and then at this stage We also drilled lots of holes for everything to mount on the bottom. We decided to position the GPU above the motherboard. This ended up being a bit tricky, because Originally, we were going to use this 3D Printed bracket, but it was Really ugly and not in like a cool vintage way, so we opted to Very slowly, create mounting points for the backplate and holes for the I/O to fasten It directly to the back of the chassis instead. Bringing us to test fit time.
And it looks good! Now, for the front of the floppy drives, just to be sure, and... Oh crap! Ooh, I guess that interferes with the radiator No worries, though. Just a little bit of hole enbiggenment, and Dale is off to get a fresh coat of paint, BUT only on the inside. On that topic, let's talk about what's under the hood.
For the CPU we went with Intel's Core i7 8700K making dale as good as it gets for gaming for our motherboard We chose an Asus Z370I Gaming, with a Samsung NVME SSD underneath this sexy heatsink Then to keep the CPU cool, We're using an EK Supremacy full nickel block. We decided against an acrylic block since it'll actually have to help hold up the graphics card And also, because you won't be able to see it anyway. For our radiator, We went with a 120 millimeter single rad from alpha cool. That is a massive 60 millimeters thick and then for our pump we're using an EK SPC 60 with a built in cylindrical reservoir.
We went with these super sexy white fittings and black acrylic tube both provided by bits power for a sleek monochrome look The first bend was one of the hardest since it needs to come around our PCI Express extender and then make a funky bend too, so We ended up just making a little steak out of black fittings in hopes that nobody would notice right here The bending wasn't finished yet, though. Next this 90 degree from the pump to the res and after that a nice long tube from the GPU back to the radiator Both of which were made the perfect length with a bit of help from the bench sander Now, we just need to do a bunch of little touch-ups to make it perfect like Splicing together the LEDs for the drives so they can be attached to the hard drive header Soldering on the front panel connector that we borrowed from another case so that the OG power button and LED would still work gently removing the print and modem ports massaging them with the uh, sander before inserting them and then finally... Screwing and double-sided taping the fronts to the floppy drives back in their original positions the insides we finished off with this sweet purple cathode from bits power and U N B E L I E V A B L E. 800 Watt 80-plus titanium SF XL modular power supply from silverstone And some cleanup from Ivan the cable management king Perfect.
Now, Let's fill the loop making sure to use a secondary power supply so that in the unlikely event that we have a spill- OH SH** Seriously you guys forgot a plug on the radiator. Oh, man I mean, it... At least it wasn't out in the open I'm an idiot Yes But now you're not alone my friend so my team of skilled boaters Remove the rad added a plug and tightened everything down- AHA NO It leaked again. What are you guys even doing this time the tubing is full! No worries though, what you're looking at right now is a perfectly legitimate Strategy for emptying a loop by the way Yes, perfectly legitimate totally not weird So after swapping out some of the fittings...
Third time's a charm We were finally leak-free to see how Dale runs And performance wise? Oh... It runs Idle temps are in the 20s, and then under full synthetic load on the CPU and GPU. For half an hour with the lid closed Dale held steady at 80 degrees with the CPU still turbo Eng - 4 gigahertz on all six cores though it should be noted that he did get a little loud in this scenario As for games though, here things got even more impressive. Dale, in spite of his looks can drag race with ANY challenger He is one of the fastest, small form factor computers on the market with frames per second in the hundreds on ultra and And even during heavy extended gaming sessions He stayed reasonably quiet with GPU temperatures maxing out at 53 degrees so let's bask then in the glory of Dale and Look out for our next addition to the sleeper family...
Margaret [80's music plays] So, thanks for watching guys if you dislike this video you can hit that button But if you liked it, hit like, get subscribed maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we've featured... How about a core i7 processor even if you can't get this case to put it in at the link in the video description Also down. There is our merch store, which has full shirts like this one and our community forum, which you should totally join.
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