Still about a half an inch too thick not a problem though. It's angle grinder man to the rescue so with the cuts tidied up it did still interfere slightly with the Motherboard Tray rivet, so Out those came with the drill and these holes here should serve us well for mounting the radiator. Of course though our troubles weren't finished and we were still having some difficulty. Getting it in due to these pesky tabs thankfully almost every problem in life can be solved with abrasives Much better.
To line up the screw holes, We poked the drill through the existing holes and gave it a little spin just to remove some of the paint so we knew where to drill. Next we center punched where the screws would be and drilled on through we then poor-man's tapped them out with some thumb screws and a lot of love and Holy Crap! This might actually work Now since the reservoir can't go anywhere else we had to make some modifications to this poor fan So we started small then worked our way up to the thicker objects. That's always the best way Okay, then awesome the reservoirs mounted But clearly we'll need more airflow. Angle grinder to the rescue again and as though like Magic That's more like it so with hopefully all of our modifications to the case finished It was time to finish it off with a nice coat of black tape So at this point, we were ready to slap all the parts in, plan out our water cooling loop and Call it a day, but then Shortly after the cameras turned off for the night Getting jiggy with it came on the radio and we realized the soft tubing we'd planned Wasn't big willy style.
So we flip the script and flip the red Extended the rest and devised the plan for a loop sexy and hard enough for even the biggest willies So instructions for hard line then measure cut fill heat Bend check insert secure Rinse and repeat until done. Custom hard line water cooling easy as that After several hours of cable management, man old cases suck for that We were ready for the final touch-ups So we disassembled the loop installed the storage, ram, 80 millimeter OG Case fans which only got cleaned on the inside to maintain our sleepers perfect external fill and then reassembled the loop and filled it up So, then at this point. We put back together the outside of the case front panel goes on with double side tape, CD and floppy drives the side panels go back on and would you look at that? It's still awful and dirty on the outside Leaving anyone without a very keen eye to dismiss it as old crap But open it up And holy freak. Is it beautiful and with the horses to back it up.
With an intel core i9-7900X 10 cores, 64 gigs of ram RGB of course. Dual Geforce GTX 1080. Samsung 940 Pro SSD in a fully custom water cooling loop We are looking at a machine that can run with pretty much anything out there today, while staying both cool and quiet That is if, you disable the rear fans... Cause they're really really loud.
So bask in the glory now of Hubert and stay tuned for dale Because the sleeper PC series is far from over So if you're a game developer or a video editor or you, uh You use both linux and windows one for serious work and one for gaming Whatever the reason is that you have two computers Synergy solves once and for all the problem of needing to have two keyboards and two mice to go with them because it allows you to share your peripherals between multiple computers, so you won't get confused anymore they have a basic and a pro option for Synergy With a one-time payment for features that include copy and pasting between the computers dragging and dropping files between computers The ability to set up hotkeys and more. And the best part is that synergy works cross-Platform between Windows, Mac and even Linux. So check out the link in the video description and get 50% off Synergy today So thanks for watching guys if you disliked this video I'm sorry that you hate fun but if you liked it hit that like button get subscribed and maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured At the link in the video description also down there is a link to Free Geek huge shout out to them for hooking us up here as Well as our community forum and our merch store both of which you should check out.