Check out this rockin' intro! It's awesome, I love it! So I played-- it's very loud... I played a small little demo version of this game a while ago- There was very little computer cases in it, there was almost no components. You only get to build a very small little- tiny piece of what you could for a regular PC, umm so there wasn't that many mechanics in it.
But now, it's- it's a more fully formed game now, and they're actually in conjunction, and in partnership with a lot of actual component makers, and case makers and computer building component companies, -what the fuck am I trying to say? They're in conjunction with a bunch of them, so a lot of the stuff from actual PC building is in this game now- Which I find fascinating, 'cuz I love building PCs, I've built all my own PCs for all the YouTube stuff that I'm doing And I love doing it, it's very very fun to do, and I love getting it all perfect, and neat and tidy, and oh~ so lovely and then hitting the power button, and having it all come on for the first time, It feels awesome-- Not as awesome as this music, though! Uhm- So, I didn't realize there was a career in the game... I was just going to go into free build, I've-- Eventually I want to try and make my actual PC, and go through that and put in all the components that I have actually in this one, because I've been using this one for years on YouTube, and I have a few upgrades here, I just haven't moved on to them yet because I have to move ALL the stuff over- Game save files, I have to move over game install folders, all the software that I use- it's just too much hassle, so I haven't done it yet, but I should because this one's kinda showing it's age by now... Let's just go into career, Then. I don't- I need- I don't need to know how to build a PC.
I know how to build a PC. It's like Lego. "Welcome to PC building simulator. To begin, go to your PC (by the doorway) and open the email program on the desktop- -You've got mail." Ooh Oh nice! Wow! This is fun! Look at this nice place! I live here.
I've- THE GHOST FRIDGE!! GHOST TABLE!!! TWO GHOST TABLES!!! I don't wanna live in this creepy ghost world anymore. Okay, "You've Got Mail!" Dude, this is neat! Umm, "Thanks for taking over the PC shop for me, sorry It's not in a better State." I know- -California, what are we gonna do? "A few things! The company isn't doing very well, and there's no money in the bank account" Aces!! *Chuckle* "The rent and energy bills come out monthly so make sure you have enough money for them." Okay. "I had a job on the go-" Oh!! So I'm building PCs for people, aah "I had a job on the go which should help with the rent (see the email below)." "Remember to use your thermal paste When putting in a CPU. I almost always forget, and the PC's overheat!" Yeah, you put a tiny little piece on top!
"If you think you're all set up.
It's your company now so run it-" Fuck me! Ok. "I Hope you can-" Oh! "Hi Tim" Hi! I'm Tim, apparently, I'll be your- computer maker "Hope you can help me! My computer has been running slower than usual and I think I might have clicked on something - - I Shouldn't have do I have a virus?" Go to PC, O.... ..Kay, What am I doing? Ok.. I am fixing a PC! *Music gets louder and sean starts playing Air guitar* OH! I feel like I'm- I'm in a country-western game! "PC can boot to OS" "Remove viruses" okay, "click to work on this PC" "press P to power" okay.
*Looks at keyboard and button mashes it* It's not plugged in, got it! *Bursts into laughter* "For this job you need to run a virus scan. Press 3 or the cable button and plug the monitor keyboard-" Oh.My.God. You have to do Everything!! Ok, Do I have to grab the cable somewhere? Ok that's the power yeah, this is keyboard and mouse and shit Okay, what do we got? We got USB 3? Oh wait no. You're the- Ah you're just the HDMI, Ok cool.
"Now you need to put your USB Drive into the back of the PC- -So you can install the virus scanner press 1 or the install button." Jeez man, this is fun! Oh.. In we go! Put in my little dongle! "Now press P or the power button to turn the PC on, click on the monitor to use the operating system." The amount of people out there who make money off scanning people's computers... Like people with bad laptops, or bad desktop. Something you just bring it in and they scan it and remove the shit and then give It back to you, and then it's like yes four hundred dollars, please Probably not that much...
But they make so much money off doing that kind of thing, It's so easy! It's so easy to do! Also, Stop clickin' on weird shit! Also get like malware bytes or something. Umm ok, power! She's on!! Default heatsync and everything. All right, do I have to go over to the computer now? Remove the viruses!! Insta- I forget what it told me to do... Ca-Can-Can I -can i- I Don't Need To Remove stuff!! Oh, I can just go over here, and click on that.
All right! Got it! "Install the virus scanner welcome to Omega OS click add/remove programs to install the virus" D'aaaahhh Lighting, Virus scan! This is fun! *Chuckle* I want to do this as my job! I love PC's! I love electronics! I love getting my-my teeth into like.... Fixing shit like this. There's so many times when parts of my PC have broken or- Stuff has not worked, or clashed, or collide, or something. And I'm like, Okay, how'd we figure this out? How do we get into you? "You must restart your PC restart now?" Yeah,baby! Are-Are we-Are we good? Did you do it? "Start scanning" ah..
Files Infected! Four Hundred!?!? Get off pornhub!! Even though, pornhub wouldn't have viruses on it. Umm, It's all the weird, crazy, websites that no one knows, about that has all the weird shit on it. Ummm!! I've heard.... "You've removed all the viruses and the PC is ready to be returned to the client, pick the PC back up with the right mice button." Hey, that's fucking words..
Okay, just unplug all the shit.. "Collect your reward, Great! Now you just need to collect your pay, go to your email and hit collect." Ah the future!! Umm...Ahh I got $100 for that All i did was plug shit in, scanned for a virus, removed 400 files, and I got $100 for that! You must be paying me for my time! "Hi there i just wanna say. Thank you for fixing My PC. It's booting Faster than it has in years!" Yeah, cuz they just have a shit ton of nonsense on it anymore! "I didn't realize your uncle- -had gone away looks like the business is in good hands, though" Yeah, he left.
*In a whiny voice* He left the whole business to me! I don't know what im doin'!!! * In a normal voice*so this guy needs.. "Hi my graphics card has fried itself and i need- it needs to be replaced the with the same one please-" Didn't know Jamiroquai did the soundtrack for this game? "-An NVIDIA GTX 970 maybe one of those 'Sean' ones?" HOW DID THEY KNOW MY NAME?!?!? 970, So you wanted one of these ones? I'm just gonna get you a base one. I don't know if you have an ATX or a micro ATX Motherboard.. Cool, "Use the delivery options to choose way when best to receive your components.
Often it's better to pay for faster delivery than- -Wait days to receive things" Okay? Oh, buy now, okay. Umm... "Three to five. Working days delivery, Same day delivery"
A HUNDRED DOLLARS!?!? "Next day delivery" please, hundred dollars same-day delivery.
What do you think I do? Remove viruses for a living? Christ! I'm going to the door-I'm going to the door. I need to advance the day! I've left the workshop! I don't care anymore! Ooh. Oh, yeah!! Baby. Okay, fix, scan, Upgrade! This is the one that we were just doing, I'm gonna continue with this one! As I bust out to these sick jams!! Hahahah That's not the fucking one that I need! Alright, let's open this bad boy up, let's remove the side panel!! Okay, Jesus man....
*Chuckle* I have to do every little thing!!! I mean it's pretty cool. I like it. It's fun. It's therapeutic when you're making your own computers! Like actually sitting down.
Unscrewing everything just turning off your brain, putting all the components in, making sure it's all nice, neat and tidy. You kind of have to be a little- You have to be a little rough with it sometimes, you have to be a little aggressive with the PC.. Because sometimes you have to click things in, and sometimes you have to push.. Like the CPU stuff down, and you're afraid, It's gonna bend your pins and all that kind of stuff.
It's not gonna happen unless you're a fucking moron!! It might happen to some people, never happened to me though cuz, I'm a-I'm a genius! Okay, we'll install you, do you actually have different busses? Do you have different PCI slots? Cuz I don't want to put you in an X8 slot if you're going to be putting into an X-an X16 slot Okay, you know wut I mean? You know I'm saying? Umm Oh, And you can filter it by stuff that only fits this PC! Nice! Okay, I need PC parts! And I need the side panel to go back on... There we go! It's just simple! But that's really all it is! Installing a new GPU, and the best part about installing a new GPU is that, you don't have to mess with OS stuff Because it's solving a new GPU is just take out the old one put the new one in plug in your displays And you're good to go for the most part unless your computer decides to be an asshole which Sometimes does, but that's all it is that's all putting a huge amount more horsepower into your PC. That's all it takes Can I not click on you guys? Ok but um Yeah, cuz if you replace your your CPU your CPU is basically your brain whereas your GPU is the muscles think of it that way The very poor analogy but When you replace the brain then it takes a lot more It's a lot more finicky to train like upgrading your CPU is not as easy as upgrading your GPU less put it that way Sometimes it's actually a pain in the ass It's really not that hard, but just that you have to put a whole bunch more shit into it And I don't like it. Okay.
Let's go back over here boot to OS. Works flawlessly Insert USB Drive, and PC to continue, am I done? "Leave by the door". I am done! Okay Shhhhsdskdjf plug out all the shit Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice tight tight tight tight tight tight tight tight I'm actually gonna put you down here there we go This is just a quick scan Oh God Did a family of rabbits live inside this PC? Ewww!! "PC can boot to OS remove viruses clean out dust" this is an all-day job Mother of God compressed air no. I don't wanna be using compressed air okay That'd do it okay.
Oh nice I. Don't use compressed air because I used to use them a lot And then it was just like buy can, after can, after can, which is fine but I ended up buying a it's a it's an electric motorized one that blows air never use a vacuum on your PC by the way ever or Like consoles and stuff console - okay cuz they're usually shielded on the outside for cases But do not stick a vacuum cleaner or a Hoover inside your freaking, PC. Because all that's gonna end up doing is that you create static and you wanna fry your components don't do it It's a bad idea so I got An electric air blower an anti-static one that just blows air all over the place And it's fantastic it really it made it made Cleaning my PC just so effortless ah, there we go looks like brand-new again I Love it! I love it It's rotten!!! Alright, I need to put my USB Drive in the back again install my portfolio of Japanese art let's install a Virus scanner what why our scanner do we have them you also got to be careful about those because some of them are fucking Viruses on their own like what was the one I was using before avast Avast is horrible avast is impossible to remove from your PC not impossible. It's just a pain in my ass 397 files well, I can't remember your name, last time you still win for all the porn.
That was on your computer Are we good? "Leave by the door" hell. Yeah! I love this! This is fun. It's so therapeutic Frick, I need about 500 gigabyte hard drive more Tony easy store It's $50. You're going in my cart, same-day delivery a hundred dollars, okay We're going to incur the cost We're going to incur the cost just to get it right now.
Just so I can do it Okay, cool. Wouldn't that be horrible if I got the wrong one That better not be the wrong one. I swear to God what the fuck Okay, storage put that one in there. Do I have to remove this as well I? I mean that makes sense i dont wanna break the game, but whatever man Nice! Okay, I'm assuming I have to wire you up where's that- Where the hell are the cables for it oh oh that's easy So you need to connect, okay a lot of people who build pcs already are gonna know exactly What's going on But you need to connect the the SATA cable the SATA cable which handles all the bandwidth And then you need to install a like a ribbon cable, or I don't know I don't think hard drives have actually updated a lot Or ever they all use the same power supply, but you install that in the back For the power right okay We need to install back on the PC part site panel you go on here and it boots to OS look at that And leave by the door you betcha Okay, am I good to go? Oh I guess I could have completed the orders here Wow yeah that was worth it that was well worth it The hundred dollars that I used to pay for my shipping.
I just got it back right here now 595 Nice Leveled up! " Congratulation, you've reached level 2 you've unlocked CRYORIG case fans" never heard of CRYORIG. Oh, I unlocked a bunch of i3 and i5 and i7 I. Don't know what I have in my- in in this one. It's an IE.
It's a it's a 4770k. I think it's been ages since I put it in And I think in that one over there. It's an i7 6700 K and then in the other PC that I have yes, I have a lot of computers I like computers It's a risin I'm not familiar with risin's naming scheme very high in risin. It's a 16 core processor Which is a fucking beast! It r- This PC right now the one that I'm using to record this the one that I used for almost everything to edit an hour-long video it takes about 40 minutes to an hour to render that video because this PC is so bloated by now it has everything on it This other one takes an hour to do this one takes 15 minutes to do it on this other one.
It's so fucking fast It's scary, but I've had issues with it so Upgrade to 16 gigabytes of RAM. Okay Remove viruses, okay? And Replace air cooler clean out dust okay? So I need 16 gigs of RAM two of these is also gonna cost less than four of those I really hope that you do not fuck me up by being an XL I mean you need to replace air cooler But you didn't Is it the one on the CPU or just the case fans? I guess these yeah, okay? It's all in here Because if I'm going with the if I'm going with the heatsink on the the CPU. I'm gonna have to figure out. What kind of? Socket you have Because these are like these are AMD and these are Intel okay, you want the cheapest fans, so I guess these they're $10 I.
I don't know how many you need so I'm just gonna get three Buchert next stage delivery Bijizdang, is that everybody? Remove virus okay on to the next day of work. Oh Ding ding ding we have a winner 404 files need to be cleaned oof that's rough, buddy That's a lot of viruses on there Well might not be viruses. It might just be a whole bunch of cookies and shit that I found So this is the this is the RAM one. This is the make or break? Oh nice case! Very nice are you are you 12 and live with your parents? Sick dude alright, we're gonna remove this side panel.
Oh, and I didn't even have to unscrew anything Okay, I don't need to remove the motherboard. I just need to remove the RAM stick. Oh my god. You actually have to do everything It's so weird cuz it in real life, it's all like obviously it's very intuitive.
You just go in you're like Oh, just click like whatever but in this and you like you forget because it's a game you just click on shit, but you actually have to do everything I. Think that's awesome This is by the way this game is Very very accurate to how it is to actually build a PC and one of the reviews I saw on Steam for this game Was really cool because they said they had a computer that their friend built Computer started to mess up on them and because they didn't build it They didn't know anything about building computers they decided not to touch it because they thought they'd break it even further so what they did Was they got this game put all the stuff from the actual computer they had into the game and then they were able to fiddle around all they wanted in the game to try and figure out the Problem and then they learned they learned stuff on how to build computers in real life by playing this game This is awesome. This isn't just a game. This is an actual like Testing tool to see how things look and work and how stuff fits in It's amazing Ok install we are going to memory Alright Do you have colored Channels? No cuz, normally what it is is that well most modern Motherboards you can just put them all in anywhere you want But they have color channels to make sure it's so it's like blue green blue green So you put the in the blues first and then the Greens I dont know if it's- it's been a while since I built my last PC.
Why can't I put you in oh I actually have to open up the clip really hahaha It's weird, but also completely accurate. No close the clip, here we go. Cuz you push it in the clips closed on their own Okay, let's install back on the side panel. She works! Not a bother, even though You could still run into RAM issues later on it cuz it could have still messed up your PC.
Not likely cuz I know what I'm doing okay? More cleaning dust it's so gross What am I wait why am I cleaning that why am I cleaned that glass cuz I know what I'm doing there we go I'm installing the fan, just like they asked, but you didn't even have a fan on the front You just had a dust filter Where was the suction coming from? You need to create a stream from front to back Madness absolute madness You know what I'm installing 2, just so you can have air flow all right. Do you seriously not have power for another fan? Really Son of a bitch! It says broken parts You did mean the CPU!! No!! That means I'm gonna have to pay extra to ship one out now. God damn it. I knew it I fucking knew it M9a or M9i Oh balls, I don't know what socket you have More Tony thermal 100 oh no no no I dont want 2, no no Pay hundred dollars anyway for same-day delivery because I'm stupid Ok thermal paste there you go a pea-sized amount.
That's all you need oh Wait I didn't go collect it. I was like it's broken. How does it arrive broken? Cause it's here My bad! There we go air cooler done. Well.
You know what just for that Audrey anyway I'm putting in a case fan in the front ok It'll keep everything running nice and cool your stuff is getting clogged up and blocked and overheating anyway So it still got clogged and blocked if you don't clean it But at least now you know you- you'll at least have cool parts Not only temperature-wise, but just really dope shit. Boom I'm the fucking wizard. I'm a what? Fucking wizard time to collect my monays 320 200 270 Sick missing thermal paste oh Right that's the next one. I was like I did not forget thermal paste.
I put it in specifically Alright, let's see what happens run 3d America ok no problem Replace motherboard. I'm just gonna get you the one for $100 I should figure out what the next thing is install Sheen power king is 600 or better Well all we have is the 600 so you're gonna have to deal with that Boom your order will arrive tomorrow Nice good night everybody That's a day of PC building in the bag ok well that does it for this video on PC building simulator I could honestly spend hours in this game. I could spend hours Just diddling with computers all day because it's fun and I feel like like, like Because I know what I'm doing I feel like I'm putting some real work in But it's always a case of people being like well you put your own PC together. That's crazy.
I'm like yes Yes, it is. I'm a genius It's really not that hard at all and I'd highly advise anybody who has any interest in making their own computer to just Go for it the first place to start is with a game like this or you can just look up tutorials on YouTube That's what I did when I wanted to start building computers and normally when you build computers you get warranties Well a good pre-built one. You'll get all the warranties and stuff anyway well, hopefully But if you build your own PC you get all the warranties for all the individual parts if something goes wrong Because you put it together yourself You usually have an understanding of how the computer works, and what does what so something breaks? You usually know how to fix it because you've put it together yourself Unless you're just following piece by piece exactly on a tutorial, but I just love this stuff I - I Always love this stuff and when I was looking up the videos and how to do it and trying to figure out how to do It myself and I got my own PC parts I was just in enthralled by it and I just wanted to learn more so I sat down for ages and Just studied how computers work and how different stuff interacts with each other and it was super fun And I wanna build another computer now, but I can't because I don't need one and I don't have space for wine but IF I DO. I'm gonna I might play more of this though and again I want to build my one I want to see if I if my one is actually in the game Can I go back to a save game? Save game can I go back to main menu pre-built? I just want to see if the case that I have is in the game how our on computer to interact Oh my god You know whatever I come back to it again its corsair terabyte err 540 and I love it cuz it's a cube and in one side of the case is all the electronics all the Components and all the stuff that needs air cooling and then in another chunk about this size is Where you put all the cables and the power supply and all the like hard drives and stuff go there so anything that doesn't need Air cooling goes in the back, and I think that does need air cooling goes out in the front And it's super sleek because none of the cables get in the way, and it's all airflow all the time It's amazing even though I have a liquid-cooled, PC here as well Those are a different piece and those are much much harder, and I've never put in liquid cooling myself That actually looks exactly like my the one I'm talking about this is what I'm talking about this section right here is where the electronics going in that sections where the the cables go It's lovely anyway.
Thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face LLIKE A BOSS!! And high-fives all-round *WHAPPUSHH* *WHAPPUSH* And thank-you guys and i will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!! Still lovin' the music, rocking out all day.
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